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Secret architecture of extraterrestrials - photo protocol: 8. Great Pyramid of Giza with 29.9792458º - 9. 7:11 - 10. Numbers 864, 400, meter with 1/299,792,458 - 11. Great Pyramid: Polestar, Orion, Sirius -- 12. Heliopolis - 9 gods (the Ennead) -- Athos: a pyramidion and enneagram

8. Great Pyramid of Giza with 29.9792458º Latitude - 9. The proportion 7:11 - 10. Moon and sun - numbers 864, 400, meter with 1/299,792,458 - 11. Great Pyramid and stars: Polestar, Orion, Sirius -- 12. Heliopolis - 9 gods (the Ennead) - number 9 -- Athos in Greece: a pyramidion and a 9 pointed star (enneagram) on Athos mountain

Great Pyramid of Giza: proportions
                            height to lenght are 7:11, and the angle is
                            51º 51 seconds  The position of the "Grand
                            Gallery" of the Great Pyramid of Giza
                            is 29.9792458 Latitude
Great Pyramid of Giza: proportions height to lenght are 7:11, and the angle is 51º 51 seconds -
Speed of light in the vaccum is 299,792,458 meter per second - this is the same figure for the "Grand Gallery" of the Great Pyramid: 29.9792458º Latitude

Before 4500 years when the Great
                            Pyramid of Giza was built the shafts were
                            pointing to Sirius, Alnitak and to the
                            Polestar  Pyramidion with an eye on a gable wall
                            of the monastery of Mount Athos
Before 4500 years when the Great Pyramid of Giza was built the shafts were pointing to Sirius, Alnitak and to the Polestar -
Pyramidion with an eye on a gable wall of the monastery of Mount Athos

8. The Great Pyramid of Giza: 1/11 Mile high - "pyramidion" with 1 1/11 feet - position 29.9792458º Latitude -- John Greaves and Newton and the Great Pyramid -- Unfinished Great Pyramid - the missing top of the Great Pyramid "pyramidion" -- Cut stones at the pyramids of Egypt -- 9. Statue of Liberty: proportion 7:11 -- Proportion 11:14 -- Great Pyramid's position=speed of light in the vacuum - number 29.9792458: 29.9792458: Place of the Great Pyramid in the world = speed of light in the vacuum -- 10. Moon and sun - numbers 864, 400, meter with 1/299,792,458: 864: Distances and time are connected with the sun -- The km - moon and sun and the number of 400 - the meter -- 11. Great Pyramid and stars: Polestar, Orion, Sirius: Great Pyramid: the pyramid shafts and the stars: Polestar, Orion, Sirius etc.  -- Stars in Washington DC: Spica, Arcturus, Regulus -- Orion constellation with a knife or a phallus - fertile region where stars are born -- Orion constellation: pyramids=belt stars of the Orion constellation -- Orion constellation and Sirius: belt stars pointing to Sirius -- 12. Heliopolis - 9 gods (the Ennead) - number 9: Pyramids pointing to wisdom center Heliopolis -- Egyptian Obelisks in the world are -- Heliopolis=cult center of the 9 great Egyptian gods (the Ennead) -- Greece: a pyramidion and a 9 pointed star (enneagram) on Athos mountain

from: Video: Secrets in Plain Sight 1-23 (full video), written, narrated and produced by architect Scott Onstott (3h 43min.)


presented by Michael Palomino (2016)

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8. The Great Pyramid of Giza: 1/11 Mile high - "pyramidion" with 1 1/11 feet - position 29.9792458º Latitude

John Greaves and Newton and the Great Pyramid

John Greaves was professor for astronomy at Oxford University before Newton and Newton analyzed Greaves' works (1h11min.37sec.). Greaves was the first concluding that the foot was the base of the measurement of the pyramid (1h11min.48sec.). Greaves scarved a line of one English foot into one of the walls of the king's chamber of the pyramid with the words: "to be observed by all nations" (1h11min.55sec.).

Sketch of John Greaves of the Great Pyramid
                      of Giza  Mr. Greaves scarved a foot in the king's
Sketch of John Greaves of the Great Pyramid of Giza - Mr. Greaves scarved a foot in the king's chamber

Unfinished Great Pyramid - the missing top of the Great Pyramid "pyramidion"

At the Great Pyramid ("unfinished pyramid") the top is missing, the "pyramidion":
-- the height of the unfinished pyramid is 1/11 Mile=480' (feet) (1h12min.2sec.)
-- the length of the horizontal south edge is 756' (feet) (1h12min.2sec.)

The Great Pyramid of Giza, height and lenght
The Great Pyramid of Giza, height and lenght

Herodot, "the father of history", showed that the Great Pyramid was originally capped by a small pyramid called "pyramidion" made of an alloy of gold and silver (1h12min.30sec.). This pyramidion cannot be found any more since a long time (1h12min.35sec.).

The pyramidion of the Great Pyramid of Giza
                      was of gold and silver and is missing since a
                      "long time"
The pyramidion of the Great Pyramid of Giza was of gold and silver and is missing since a "long time"

Measurements of Richard Heath show that this missing pyramidion was 1 1/11 feet high (1h12min.45sec.).

So, the total height of the Great Pyramid of Giza with the "pyramidion" would be 480 and 1 and 1/11 feet, that is 481 and 1/11 feet (481+1/11') (41min.13sec.).

This pyramidion is like a metallic cap reflecting sunlight and corresponds to the pyramidion with the shining eye on the 1 dollar bill (1h12min.50sec.).

Shining pyramidion on the pyramid of the
                      1-dollar bill
Shining pyramidion on the pyramid of the 1-dollar bill

The Great Pyramid is the biggest building ever built until today, and it was the highest construction in the world during 4,000 years (1h13min.5sec.). 3 million blocks of stones were used (1h13min.16sec.).

[Cut stones at the pyramids of Egypt
The stones of the pyramids in Egypt are cut like the stones in Cusco of Sacsayhuamán or like the stones of Machu Picchu or other old "Inca" or "Vari" monuments in Peru, also the stones of temple of Tiahuamán in Bolivia are cut like this].

Great Pyramid, casing
                    stones and interior stones 
Great Pyramid, casing stones and interior stones

Interior stones of the Great Pyramid
Great Pyramid, casing stones and interior stones - Interior stones of the Great Pyramid

9. Statue of Liberty: proportion 7:11

Numbers 7:11

The Great Pyramid has the relationship of height to breadth 7 to 11 (1h13min.46sec.).

Great Pyramid of Giza: proportions height
                        to horizontal lenght are 7:11, and the angle is
                        51º 51 seconds  Statue of Liberty with 7 rays and an 11
                        pointed star at it's basement represents also
                        the proportion 7:11
Great Pyramid of Giza: proportions height to horizontal lenght are 7:11, and the angle is 51º 51 seconds - Statue of Liberty with 7 rays and an 11 pointed star at it's basement represents also the proportion 7:11

Statue of Liberty has 7 rays and the 11 pointed star at it's base (1h13min.46sec.).

[And there is the chain of stores with 7/11-shops in Asia - just one more symbol praising the proportions of the Great Pyramid of Giza].

7/11-shop in Thailand in
7/11-shop in Thailand in Chaloklum [3] - praising the proportions of the Great Pyramid in Giza

Proportion 11:14

The triangle with half the horizontal lenght and the height of the Great Pyramid has the proportion 11:14 (1h13min.50sec.). The painter Albrecht Dürer used for his esoteric painting "Melancolia I" also a proportion of 11:14 (1h13min.52sec.).

The proportion of half the horizontal
                        lenght and the height of the Great Pyramid is
                        11:14  Paintings from Albrecht Dürer have the
                        proportions 11:14 being copied from the Great
                        Pyramid of Giza
The proportion of half the horizontal lenght and the height of the Great Pyramid is 11:14 - Paintings from Albrecht Dürer have the proportions 11:14 being copied from the Great Pyramid of Giza
And there is Pi and Phi in the proportion of the Great Pyramid (1h14min.18sec.).

Pi and Phi in the proportions of the Great
Pi and Phi in the proportions of the Great Pyramid

Great Pyramid's position=speed of light in the vacuum - number 29.9792458

29.9792458: Place of the Great Pyramid in the world = speed of light in the vacuum

The exact place of the "Grand Gallery" of the Great Pyramid can be seen on Google Earth: 29.9792458ºN

The Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid of
                      Giza  The position of the "Grand Gallery"
                      of the Great Pyramid of Giza is 29.9792458
The position of the "Grand Gallery" of the Great Pyramid of Giza is 29.9792458 Latitude

And now look this: speed of light in the vacuum is: 299,792,458 m/sec (1h14min.51sec.).

Speed of light in the vaccum is 299,792,458
                      meter per second - this is the same figure for the
                      "Grand Gallery" of the Great Pyramid:
                      29.9792458º Latitude  It's just the same figure: 29.9792458º
                      Latitude and 299,792,458 meters per second
Speed of light in the vaccum is 299,792,458 meter per second - this is the same figure for the "Grand Gallery" of the Great Pyramid: 29.9792458º Latitude

Thus the distances and the times are coordinated in their measurings. Who did this coordination between distances and speed of light? (1h15min.11sec.)

[Extraterrestrials did].

10. Moon and sun - numbers 864, 400, meter with 1/299,792,458
864: Distances and time are connected with the sun

One day is 60s x 60min. x 24h=86,400 seconds. The length of one second is the Earth's periphery parted into 86,400 (1h15min.27sec.).

Sun's diameter is 864,000 miles (1h15min.41sec.).

One day on Earth is 86,400 seconds  The sun's diameter is 864,000 Royal Miles -
                        just the same figure like 86,400 seconds per
One day on Earth has 86,400 seconds - this is just the same figure like the sun's diameter with 864,000 Royal Miles

In San Francisco the Transamerica Pyramid is just another sun worship with a height of 864 feet (1h15min.45sec.):

San Francisco: Transamerica Pyramid is a
                        sun worship with a height of 864 feet  Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco
San Francisco: Transamerica Pyramid is a sun worship with a height of 864 feet - see it in real [1]

The km - moon and sun and the number of 400 - the meter

km was defined with meridian Earth's circumference of 40,000km (1h16min.5sec.).

Earth's meridian circumference is 40,000
Earth's meridian circumference is 40,000 km

The moon is 400 times smaller than the sun and covers the sun precisely during a solar eclipse (1h16min.19sec.). At the same time the moon is 400 times closer to the Earth than the sun (1h16min.24sec.).

The moon is 400 times smaller than the sun
                        with a perfect eclipse  Earth turns 400 times faster than the
The moon is 400 times smaller than the sun with a perfect eclipse - Earth turns 400 times faster than the moon.

Earth is turning 400 times faster than the moon (1h16min.30sec.).

Scott Onstott thinks that the meter was secretly designed to resonate with the sun (1h16min.43sec.).

Concretely: 1 meter is the distance traveled by light in the vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second (1h16min.45sec.).

The definition of the meter is 1 per
                        299,792,458 per second velocity of light in the
The definition of the meter is 1 per 299,792,458 per second velocity of light in the vacuum

This number is also rising in other contexts:

The exact place of the "Grand Gallery" of the Great Pyramid can be seen on Google Earth: 29.9792458ºN

And: speed of light in the vacuum is: 299,792,458 m/sec (1h14min.51sec.).

So, it seems that the meter was an ancient unit and was only REentroduced 300 years ago [in 1799] in France under king Louis XIV (1h17min.04sec.).
Important supplement:
The aim in France had been to have an equal measuring unit in whole France, but there was not a present unit declared the unit for whole France but a NEW measuring unit, the meter, was introduced in 1799 after decades of quarrels and measurements. It also came out that the first meter model was 2mm too short, and it came out that the Earth was not exactly round and could not be used as an exact reference (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meter).

The Great Pyramid was placed with the connection of speed of light (1h17min.21sec.). The "architects of the dawn of history knew about the speed of light 299,792,458 m/sec, and they knew the exact size of the Earth putting the Great Pyramid at exactly 29.9792458ºN Lat (1h17min.28sec.).

[Extraterrestrials were working fine].

11. Great Pyramid and stars: Polestar, Orion, Sirius

Great Pyramid: the pyramid shafts and the stars: Polestar, Orion, Sirius etc.

The Great Pyramid with shafts pointing to
The Great Pyramid with shafts pointing to stars

The shafts of the Great Pyramid are pointing to certain stars in the sky. This was found out by Alex Bedaoui and Victoria Trimble in 1964: shafts in the King's chamber point to the belt of Orion, to Sirius and to the Polestar - at the time the pyramid was built (1h17min.55sec.).

In 1993 Rudolf Gantenbrink got the permission to let pass a robot in the shafts of the Great Pyramid so they could measure the angles precisely so they could make precise astronomical calculations about the shafts of the king's chamber and of the queen's chamber (1h18min.17sec.).

In 1995 the book of Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert "The Orion Mystery. Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids" came out (1h18min.21sec.)
(Adrian Gilbert: The Orion Mystery. Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids. Publisher: Three Rivers Press - ISBN: 0517884542)

They found out:

In the time when the Great Pyramid was built (about 4,500 years ago)
-- the shaft in the south of the Queens chamber pointed directly to Sirius
-- the shaft in the north of the Queens chamber pointed directly to the Polestar (1h18min.29sec.).

Before 4500 years when the Great Pyramid of
                      Giza was built the shafts were pointing to Sirius,
                      Alnitak and to the Polestar 
Before 4500 years when the Great Pyramid of Giza was built the shafts were pointing to Sirius, Alnitak and to the Polestar

In the book of Graham Hancock / Robert Bauval: Talisman. Sacred Cities, Secret Faith describes it precisely what was the sense with Sirius and Orion:
-- Orion is symbolizing Osiris
-- Sirius is symbolizing Isis
-- the place of Orion and Sirius is called "Duat", the Egyptian underworld with a soul court for the dead (1h19min.1sec.). Quotation [from pyramid's texts]:
"Orion and Sirius represented Osiris and his consort Isis to the ancient Egyptians. They are in a region of the sky called the Duat, the Egyptian netherworld, where souls journeyed and were judged after death." (1h19min.1sec.)
Constellations with the stars Sirius in the
                      "Little Dog" and Alnitak in the Orion's
Constellations with the stars Sirius in the "Little Dog" and Alnitak in the Orion's belt

There are hieroglyphs in Egypt temples which "explain the benefits of copying the Duat on the Earth". Quotation [from pyramid's texts - http://joedubs.com/the-great-pyramid-of-giza/]:
"Whoever shall make a copy of the Duat, and shall know it upon earth, it shall act as a magical protector for him both in heaven and in earth, unfailingly, regularly, and eternally." (1h19min.32sec.)
Hieroglyphs from Egypt
Hieroglyphs from Egypt

The pyramids are copies of Orion and Sirius on Earth and are magical talismans "bringing the power of heaven down to Earth" (1h19min.42sec.).

Stars in Washington DC: Spica, Arcturus, Regulus

In Washington DC there are more stars: Arcturus, Spica, Regulus (1h19min.50sec.).

Stars in Washington DC: Spica, Arcturus,
Stars in Washington DC: Spica, Arcturus, Regulus

Orion constellation with a knife or a phallus - fertile region where many stars are born

Orion is often depicted as a hunter with a sword, a knife and a shield. The knife between the legs can also be a phallus, so Dan S. Ward (1h20min.9sec.). In this region many stars are born, this is a very fertile zone, very appropriate (1h20min.25sec.). Sirius is one of the nearest neighbors of the Earth's solar system (1h20min.36sec.). All in all the Earth's system is very close to Sirius now, so also close to the Egiptian system of Duat [the Egyptian soul's system] (1h20min.43sec.).

Orion with sword, shield, and knife which can
                      also be a phallus  Orion's phallus is Orion Nebula fertile zone
                      where lots of new stars are born
Orion with sword, shield, and knife which can also be a phallus - Orion's phallus is Orion Nebula fertile zone where lots of new stars are born

Orion constellation: 3 pyramids of Gizeh = 3 belt stars of the Orion constellation

Bauval and Gilbert showed in their book "The Orion Mystery. Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids" that the three pyramids of Giza are symbolizing the three belt stars of Orion in their positions and in their different size (1h20min.59sec.).

Orion constellation  The belt stars of Orion constellation:
                      Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka  3 pyramids of Giza - and some little ones
Orion constellation [2] - The belt stars of Orion constellation: Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka - 3 pyramids of Giza - and some little ones [3]

Orion constellation and Sirius: belt stars pointing to Sirius

Dr. Gerhard Heine [?] stated: the belt stars of the Orion constellation are pointing directly to Sirius of the Canis Major constellation (1h20min.58sec.).

The belt stars of Orion are pointing directly
                      to Sirius
The belt stars of Orion are pointing directly to Sirius

12. Heliopolis - 9 gods (the Ennead) - number 9

The pyramids of Giza are pointing to the wisdom center Heliopolis

On Earth the line of the three Giza pyramids is pointing directly to Heliopolis, the ancient center of Egyptian science and religion, with Pythagoras and Plato and other philosophers as their visitors (1h21min.16sec.). They were initiated there into the Egyptian mysteries and spread them in the West (1h21min.21sec.).

Pyramids of Giza appointing to Heliopolis
Pyramids of Giza appointing to Heliopolis

Of Heliopolis only one obelisk is left, the oldest standing obelisk in the world. Of the ancient temple of the Phoenix only one obelisk is left. This temple was described by Herodot (1h21min.29sec.). Phoenix is depicted in the Security Council Chamber of UN in New York (1h21min.49sec.).

The obelisk of Heliopolis is the only remnant
                      of antique temple of the Phoenix of Heliopolis
The obelisk of Heliopolis is the only remnant of antique temple of the Phoenix of Heliopolis

Egyptian Obelisks in the world are
-- in Heliopolis in Egypt
-- in Central Park in New York: "Cleopatra's Needle"
-- in London: "Cleopatra's Needle"
-- in Rome with several obelisks being robbed from Egypt (Vatican, Flaminio, Macuteo, Solare, Dogali, Matterano) (1h22min.5sec.).

Robbed obelisks of Heliopolis put in the
                      world in New York, in London, and in Rome
Robbed obelisks of Heliopolis put in the world in New York, in London, and in Rome

Heliopolis=cult center of the 9 great Egyptian gods (the Ennead)

Heliopolis was the center for the 9 great Egyptian gods being placed in a nine sided nonagon: Atum, Tefnut, Nut, Nephthys, Isis, Osiris, Set, Geb, and Shu, called the "Ennead" (1h22min.9sec.).
Ennead comes from Greek "ennea"=9 (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neunheit_von_Heliopolis).
In San Francisco is more about the Ennead (1h22min.15sec.).

Heliopolis with 9 gods, the
                      "Ennead" [Greek: ennea=9]
Heliopolis with 9 gods, the "Ennead" [Greek: ennea=9]

Greece: a pyramidion and a 9 pointed star (enneagram) on Athos Mountain

G.I. Gurdjieff [Greek Armenian writer and composer (1866-1949) - https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_I._Gurdjieff] made a trip to Greece.

G.I. Gurdjieff, portrait  Map of Greece with Athens and Mount Athos
G.I. Gurdjieff, portrait - map of Greece with Athens and Mount Athos

A pyramidion could be found being painted on a gable wall in a convent of Athos in Greece so also there the key of Egyptian knowledge could be found (1h22min.31sec.), preserved by the Sufi Sarmoun brotherhood (1h22min.35sec.).

Pyramidion with an eye on a gable wall of the
                      monastery of Mount Athos
Pyramidion with an eye on a gable wall of the monastery of Mount Athos

Nine pointed star ("enneagram") is the key Gurdjieff got (1h22min.40sec.). Gurdjieff stated that the enneagram is a hieroglyph of a universal language (1h22min.45sec.).

Enneagram of Ennead, one of the keys of life
Enneagram of Ennead, one of the keys of life

With this enneagram there is more knowledge included (1h22min.55sec.).

The knowledge of Gurdjieff was published and popularized by Peter Ouspensky with the book "Tertium Organum: The Fourth Dimension as the Esoteric Nature of Reality" (1h22min.57sec.).  Peter Ouspensky provoked that the enneagram was introduced in psychology as one of the means for self discovery (enneagram of personality) (1h23min.1sec.).

Enneagram in analytic psicology with
                      personality types
Enneagram in analytic psicology with personality types

9 pointed star is used
-- in Bahá'í Faith with a nine pointed star as their symbol (1h23min.17sec.)
-- Bahá'í scripture prescribe that any house of worship has to have the enneagram as it's base (1h23min.24sec.)
-- in the 9th book of the [fantasy] New Testament [fantasy] St. Paul describes in Galatians 5:22-23 the 9 "fruits of the holy spirit": love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (1h23min.33sec.) - normally a 9 pointed star is shown with the first letters in Latin (1h23min.48sec.).

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Photo sources
[1] Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco: http://demo.processwire.com/cities/san-francisco/transamerica-pyramid/
[2] Orion constellation: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orion_(Sternbild)
[3] Pyramids of Giza: http://blog-egipto.com/otros-destinos-de-egipto/las-piramides-de-giza
