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Besucherstatistik November und Dezember 2006

der Webseite www.geschichteinchronologie.ch

November 2006, Dezember 2006

November 2006

Monats-Statistik für November 2006

Summe Anfragen 1316733
Summe Dateien 1147193
Summe Seiten 49140
Summe Besuche 29313
Summe kb 22812813

Summe unterschiedlicher Rechner (IP-Adressen) 25918
Summe unterschiedlicher URLs 10322
Summe unterschiedlicher Verweise 1737
Summe unterschiedlicher Anwenderprogramme 1662

. Schnitt Maximum

Anfragen pro Stunde 3047 8425
Anfragen pro Tag 73151 87689
Dateien pro Tag 63732 75072
Seiten pro Tag 2730 4008
Besuche pro Tag 1628 1846
kb pro Tag 1267379 1486818

Anfragen nach Status-Code

Code 200 - OK 1147193
Code 206 - Unvollständiger Inhalt 6800
Code 301 - Seite dauerhaft an anderer Stelle 71
Code 304 - Seite nicht geändert 141838
Code 400 - Ungültige Anfrage 3
Code 403 - Antwort verweigert 114
Code 404 - Seite nicht gefunden! 20714

Tagesstatistik November 2006

Tages-Statistik im Monat November 2006

Tag Anfragen Dateien Seiten Besuche Rechner kb

13 51376 3.90% 46537 4.06% 1711 3.48% 1064 3.63% 1234 4.76% 919246 4.03%
14 83446 6.34% 74444 6.49% 4008 8.16% 1841 6.28% 2056 7.93% 1486818 6.52%
15 82793 6.29% 72511 6.32% 2771 5.64% 1807 6.16% 1999 7.71% 1360608 5.96%
16 82546 6.27% 72179 6.29% 3331 6.78% 1714 5.85% 1847 7.13% 1470485 6.45%
17 66188 5.03% 58407 5.09% 2650 5.39% 1597 5.45% 1788 6.90% 1119030 4.91%
18 71579 5.44% 58872 5.13% 2989 6.08% 1511 5.15% 1794 6.92% 1281160 5.62%
19 80648 6.12% 69288 6.04% 2885 5.87% 1646 5.62% 1917 7.40% 1350569 5.92%
20 78541 5.96% 65670 5.72% 2592 5.27% 1700 5.80% 1915 7.39% 1275068 5.59%
21 75698 5.75% 67190 5.86% 2764 5.62% 1679 5.73% 1912 7.38% 1343241 5.89%
22 77874 5.91% 68155 5.94% 2496 5.08% 1675 5.71% 1851 7.14% 1358951 5.96%
23 69404 5.27% 61047 5.32% 2428 4.94% 1575 5.37% 1811 6.99% 1242130 5.44%
24 66203 5.03% 57381 5.00% 2266 4.61% 1449 4.94% 1666 6.43% 1124448 4.93%
25 61756 4.69% 53192 4.64% 2294 4.67% 1417 4.83% 1622 6.26% 1011819 4.44%
26 67577 5.13% 59246 5.16% 2476 5.04% 1603 5.47% 1893 7.30% 1113804 4.88%
27 74736 5.68% 65394 5.70% 2638 5.37% 1807 6.16% 1987 7.67% 1371287 6.01%
28 67401 5.12% 59615 5.20% 2398 4.88% 1729 5.90% 2035 7.85% 1271896 5.58%
29 87689 6.66% 75072 6.54% 3409 6.94% 1846 6.30% 2084 8.04% 1454542 6.38%
30 71278 5.41% 62993 5.49% 3034 6.17% 1680 5.73% 1920 7.41% 1257711 5.51%

Stundenstatistik November 2006

Stunden-Statistik im Monat November 2006

Stunde Anfragen Dateien Seiten kb
Schnitt Summe Schnitt Summe Schnitt Summe Schnitt Summe

0 1703 30655 2.33% 1318 23724 2.07% 62 1133 2.31% 27176 489160 2.14%
1 1211 21809 1.66% 988 17793 1.55% 67 1217 2.48% 21488 386778 1.70%
2 916 16503 1.25% 781 14068 1.23% 44 800 1.63% 15572 280302 1.23%
3 556 10020 0.76% 487 8769 0.76% 37 678 1.38% 10190 183425 0.80%
4 629 11322 0.86% 557 10028 0.87% 63 1150 2.34% 12087 217559 0.95%
5 441 7938 0.60% 393 7085 0.62% 38 692 1.41% 9858 177440 0.78%
6 509 9179 0.70% 444 8005 0.70% 33 606 1.23% 9828 176902 0.78%
7 851 15318 1.16% 744 13398 1.17% 54 979 1.99% 17257 310630 1.36%
8 1620 29177 2.22% 1437 25875 2.26% 75 1365 2.78% 25919 466550 2.05%
9 2679 48233 3.66% 2393 43087 3.76% 103 1866 3.80% 46785 842124 3.69%
10 2992 53872 4.09% 2625 47258 4.12% 113 2039 4.15% 52714 948850 4.16%
11 3381 60871 4.62% 3038 54689 4.77% 139 2518 5.12% 57293 1031267 4.52%
12 3717 66916 5.08% 3245 58425 5.09% 130 2341 4.76% 63553 1143960 5.01%
13 4407 79331 6.02% 3686 66358 5.78% 143 2574 5.24% 77680 1398240 6.13%
14 4834 87015 6.61% 4201 75627 6.59% 155 2801 5.70% 80161 1442898 6.32%
15 5138 92501 7.03% 4570 82260 7.17% 166 2997 6.10% 87424 1573630 6.90%
16 5256 94611 7.19% 4504 81074 7.07% 160 2896 5.89% 84237 1516262 6.65%
17 5399 97190 7.38% 4782 86092 7.50% 196 3537 7.20% 90946 1637036 7.18%
18 5801 104424 7.93% 5095 91712 7.99% 191 3443 7.01% 97199 1749584 7.67%
19 5767 103818 7.88% 5072 91313 7.96% 246 4438 9.03% 101772 1831898 8.03%
20 5427 97690 7.42% 4707 84726 7.39% 157 2829 5.76% 99556 1792006 7.86%
21 4244 76409 5.80% 3791 68246 5.95% 136 2451 4.99% 74865 1347571 5.91%
22 3260 58681 4.46% 2835 51047 4.45% 112 2032 4.14% 59645 1073613 4.71%
23 2402 43250 3.28% 2029 36534 3.18% 97 1758 3.58% 44174 795128 3.49%

Top 30 von 10322 URLs

# Anfragen kb URL

1 7915 0.60% 440544 1.93% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-for-painting-in-meditation.html
2 3390 0.26% 223213 0.98% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-a-colorier-en-meditation.html
3 1972 0.15% 44786 0.20% /
4 1737 0.13% 72674 0.32% /ps/Dahlke_mandalas-zum-meditierenden-ausmalen.html
5 892 0.07% 23392 0.10% /as/vietnam/vietnamkrieg-fotos.html
6 845 0.06% 95382 0.42% /eu/ch/nebelspalter-Hitler-Stalin1932-1939.html
7 701 0.05% 305138 1.34% /med/DrVogel/10_allgemeine-krankheiten.htm
8 640 0.05% 39404 0.17% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-zum-meditierenden-ausmalen.html
9 636 0.05% 11922 0.05% /USA/Palomino2005_New-Orleans
10 615 0.05% 79234 0.35% /USA/trails/Coons_USA-trails-ohne-freiheit.htm
11 593 0.05% 34699 0.15% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-a-pintar-en-meditacion.html
12 538 0.04% 56801 0.25% /eu/ch/nebelspalter-Hitler-Stalin1940-1948.html
13 515 0.04% 17882 0.08% /welt/Holitzka_kornkreis-mandalas-zum-meditierenden-ausmalen.html
14 425 0.03% 109669 0.48% /natur/wald/waldschaendung.html
15 394 0.03% 269950 1.18% /eu/3R/Eitner_Hitlers-reich-und-selbstzerstoerung.htm
16 349 0.03% 15945 0.07% /afrika/kol/N3-2004_Bismarcks-Kongo-konferenz-1884-aufteilung-Afrikas.htm
17 347 0.03% 4731 0.02% /natur/dinosaurier/xenos-D_30-dinosaurierbilder-zum-ausmalen.html
18 291 0.02% 38992 0.17% /as/china/China-01-1644-1911-mandschus-nationalisten-Japan.html
19 277 0.02% 3800 0.02% /natur/dinosaurier/xenos-GB_30-dinosaur-pictures-for-painting.html
20 252 0.02% 34805 0.15% /USA/betrug/betrug12_9-11.htm
21 250 0.02% 28159 0.12% /med/DrVogel/08_standardheilmittel-naturmedizin.htm
22 245 0.02% 7819 0.03% /psych-index.html
23 218 0.02% 1573 0.01% /USA/mondlandung-gelogen-40mia-
24 209 0.02% 6412 0.03% /eu/griechenland/Palomino1996_kreta-santorini-heraklion.html
25 205 0.02% 25106 0.11% /kol/kol01-Island-Italien-Portugal.htm
26 203 0.02% 39350 0.17% /USA/Risi_der-laengste-kreuzzug.htm
27 199 0.02% 3202 0.01% /natur/dinosaurier/xenos-Sp_30-pinturas-de-dinosauros-a-pintar.html
28 189 0.01% 11912 0.05% /soz/buch-hoelle/13_moderne-sintflut.htm
29 174 0.01% 1989 0.01% /biographie.htm
30 171 0.01% 11138 0.05% /atmosphaerenfahrt-index.html

Top 10 von 10322 URLs sortiert nach kb

# Anfragen kb URL

1 7915 0.60% 440544 1.93% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-for-painting-in-meditation.html
2 701 0.05% 305138 1.34% /med/DrVogel/10_allgemeine-krankheiten.htm
3 394 0.03% 269950 1.18% /eu/3R/Eitner_Hitlers-reich-und-selbstzerstoerung.htm
4 3390 0.26% 223213 0.98% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-a-colorier-en-meditation.html
5 425 0.03% 109669 0.48% /natur/wald/waldschaendung.html
6 845 0.06% 95382 0.42% /eu/ch/nebelspalter-Hitler-Stalin1932-1939.html
7 129 0.01% 80372 0.35% /soz/buch-hoelle/16_impfen-schadet.htm
8 615 0.05% 79234 0.35% /USA/trails/Coons_USA-trails-ohne-freiheit.htm
9 1737 0.13% 72674 0.32% /ps/Dahlke_mandalas-zum-meditierenden-ausmalen.html
10 538 0.04% 56801 0.25% /eu/ch/nebelspalter-Hitler-Stalin1940-1948.html

Top 10 von 1190 Eingangsseiten Gesamt

# Anfragen Besuche URL

1 7915 0.60% 6123 21.03% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-for-painting-in-meditation.html
2 3390 0.26% 2629 9.03% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-a-colorier-en-meditation.html
3 1737 0.13% 999 3.43% /ps/Dahlke_mandalas-zum-meditierenden-ausmalen.html
4 892 0.07% 689 2.37% /as/vietnam/vietnamkrieg-fotos.html
5 1972 0.15% 667 2.29% /
6 701 0.05% 638 2.19% /med/DrVogel/10_allgemeine-krankheiten.htm
7 845 0.06% 603 2.07% /eu/ch/nebelspalter-Hitler-Stalin1932-1939.html
8 593 0.05% 493 1.69% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-a-pintar-en-meditacion.html
9 640 0.05% 480 1.65% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-zum-meditierenden-ausmalen.html
10 615 0.05% 400 1.37% /USA/trails/Coons_USA-trails-ohne-freiheit.htm

Top 10 von 1248 Ausgangsseiten Gesamt

# Anfragen Besuche URL

1 7915 0.60% 5951 20.46% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-for-painting-in-meditation.html
2 3390 0.26% 2448 8.42% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-a-colorier-en-meditation.html
3 1737 0.13% 1082 3.72% /ps/Dahlke_mandalas-zum-meditierenden-ausmalen.html
4 892 0.07% 689 2.37% /as/vietnam/vietnamkrieg-fotos.html
5 701 0.05% 641 2.20% /med/DrVogel/10_allgemeine-krankheiten.htm
6 1972 0.15% 627 2.16% /
7 845 0.06% 576 1.98% /eu/ch/nebelspalter-Hitler-Stalin1932-1939.html
8 640 0.05% 513 1.76% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-zum-meditierenden-ausmalen.html
9 593 0.05% 489 1.68% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-a-pintar-en-meditacion.html
10 615 0.05% 378 1.30% /USA/trails/Coons_USA-trails-ohne-freiheit.htm

Top 30 von 25918 Rechnern (IP-Adressen)

# Anfragen Dateien kb Besuche Rechnername

1 3978 0.30% 208 0.02% 1300 0.01% 3 0.01%
2 3394 0.26% 458 0.04% 4819 0.02% 1 0.00% 223.0-136-217.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be
3 3122 0.24% 1952 0.17% 60857 0.27% 2 0.01% i538751ba.versanet.de
4 2547 0.19% 2547 0.22% 30339 0.13% 1 0.00% amontpellier-251-1-102-228.w86-211.abo.wanadoo.fr
5 2109 0.16% 2103 0.18% 24125 0.11% 2 0.01% mail.team-bol.de
6 2060 0.16% 206 0.02% 1291 0.01% 1 0.00% p54b2f205.dip.t-dialin.net
7 1684 0.13% 1217 0.11% 28673 0.13% 1 0.00% i538746a6.versanet.de
8 1646 0.13% 1646 0.14% 22814 0.10% 1 0.00% d83-186-153-225.cust.tele2.be
9 1625 0.12% 206 0.02% 1291 0.01% 1 0.00% pd955cd7f.dip.t-dialin.net
10 1573 0.12% 406 0.04% 6863 0.03% 8 0.03% c-24-99-128-47.hsd1.ga.comcast.net
11 1548 0.12% 256 0.02% 15106 0.07% 2 0.01% arennes-252-1-61-126.w83-195.abo.wanadoo.fr
12 1514 0.11% 1514 0.13% 19767 0.09% 1 0.00% dslb-084-058-246-250.pools.arcor-ip.net
13 1472 0.11% 1223 0.11% 50408 0.22% 3 0.01% serveur.ccrht.qc.ca
14 1409 0.11% 162 0.01% 8452 0.04% 1 0.00% ip67-154-231-99.z231-154-67.customer.algx.net
15 1327 0.10% 125 0.01% 5515 0.02% 5 0.02% 71.20.100-74.rev.gaoland.net
16 1296 0.10% 187 0.02% 21947 0.10% 3 0.01%
17 1287 0.10% 519 0.05% 13332 0.06% 8 0.03% 191-68-235-201.fibertel.com.ar
18 1258 0.10% 1186 0.10% 83325 0.37% 43 0.15%
19 1143 0.09% 326 0.03% 4885 0.02% 8 0.03% modemcable184.62-201-24.mc.videotron.ca
20 1131 0.09% 1123 0.10% 13420 0.06% 3 0.01% chello213047187027.tirol.surfer.at
21 1106 0.08% 1106 0.10% 21960 0.10% 1 0.00% pd9ed48f5.dip.t-dialin.net
22 1058 0.08% 1058 0.09% 13680 0.06% 1 0.00% ma2e7.m.pppool.de
23 1053 0.08% 218 0.02% 5220 0.02% 3 0.01% amontpellier-252-1-80-63.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr
24 1045 0.08% 678 0.06% 39898 0.17% 245 0.84% egspd42235.ask.com
25 1014 0.08% 179 0.02% 3863 0.02% 1 0.00% 68-179-170-34.bsr-c9-d0.evv.dhcp.sigecom.net
26 1014 0.08% 905 0.08% 57887 0.25% 11 0.04% gimli.seekbot.net
27 949 0.07% 925 0.08% 59326 0.26% 3 0.01%
28 938 0.07% 87 0.01% 22053 0.10% 1 0.00% 252.169.69-86.rev.gaoland.net
29 924 0.07% 371 0.03% 2988 0.01% 1 0.00% cp901789-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl
30 914 0.07% 164 0.01% 2089 0.01% 5 0.02% modemcable191.39-203-24.mc.videotron.ca

Top 10 von 25918 Rechnern (IP-Adressen) sortiert nach kb

# Anfragen Dateien kb Besuche Rechnername

1 1258 0.10% 1186 0.10% 83325 0.37% 43 0.15%
2 3122 0.24% 1952 0.17% 60857 0.27% 2 0.01% i538751ba.versanet.de
3 949 0.07% 925 0.08% 59326 0.26% 3 0.01%
4 1014 0.08% 905 0.08% 57887 0.25% 11 0.04% gimli.seekbot.net
5 1472 0.11% 1223 0.11% 50408 0.22% 3 0.01% serveur.ccrht.qc.ca
6 1045 0.08% 678 0.06% 39898 0.17% 245 0.84% egspd42235.ask.com
7 626 0.05% 567 0.05% 38778 0.17% 1 0.00%
8 486 0.04% 486 0.04% 38389 0.17% 2 0.01% csept-iles-gw.cegep-sept-iles.qc.ca
9 201 0.02% 199 0.02% 35960 0.16% 1 0.00%
10 116 0.01% 114 0.01% 32827 0.14% 1 0.00% dslb-088-073-008-234.pools.arcor-ip.net

Top 30 von 1737 Verweise

# Anfragen Verweise

1 9276 0.70% http://images.google.de/imgres
2 4069 0.31% http://www.google.de/search
3 2082 0.16% http://images.google.com/imgres
4 1397 0.11% http://images.google.ch/imgres
5 1378 0.10% http://www.google.ch/search
6 1248 0.09%
7 1213 0.09% http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images/view
8 1175 0.09% http://www.google.fr/search
9 1130 0.09% http://images.google.at/imgres
10 1057 0.08% http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandala
11 931 0.07%
12 663 0.05% http://www.google.com/search
13 624 0.05%
14 610 0.05% http://images.google.fr/imgres
15 591 0.04%
16 584 0.04% http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm
17 453 0.03% http://www.google.at/search
18 415 0.03%
19 346 0.03% http://jdempcy.blogspot.com/2006_01_01_jdempcy_archive.html
20 338 0.03% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandala
21 316 0.02% http://images.google.ca/imgres
22 316 0.02% http://images.google.nl/imgres
23 314 0.02% http://images.google.com.br/imgres
24 304 0.02% http://de.search.yahoo.com/search/images/view
25 286 0.02%
26 282 0.02% http://de.search.yahoo.com/search
27 266 0.02% http://xinhuante.com/milfhunter
28 240 0.02% http://images.google.be/imgres
29 236 0.02% http://www.google.ca/search
30 226 0.02% stream://1/

Top 20 von 1320 Suchausdrücke Gesamt

# Anfragen Suche

1 221 9.36% mandalas
2 100 4.24% agent orange
3 55 2.33% lexington and concord
4 46 1.95% mandala
5 45 1.91% mandala a colorier
6 30 1.27% mandalas para pintar
7 28 1.19% vietnamkrieg
8 21 0.89% oregon country
9 19 0.80% ouroboros
10 16 0.68% mandala %c3%a0 colorier
11 16 0.68% mandalas to color
12 14 0.59% indianer
13 13 0.55% hunger in africa
14 13 0.55% indio
15 11 0.47% dinosauros
16 11 0.47% mandala à colorier
17 11 0.47% mandalas a colorier
18 11 0.47% vietnam war
19 10 0.42% mandala colorier
20 10 0.42% mandalas à colorier

Top 15 von 1662 Anwenderprogramme

# Anfragen Anwenderprogramm

1 333603 25.34% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
2 186423 14.16% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
3 59531 4.52% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
4 54460 4.14% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Geck
5 51832 3.94% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/
6 30647 2.33% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
7 30496 2.32% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
8 29534 2.24% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
9 20837 1.58% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv: Geck
10 19339 1.47% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; FunWe
11 19120 1.45% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; InfoP
12 16783 1.27% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
13 16673 1.27% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1
14 14789 1.12% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Wanad
15 13786 1.05% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: G

Länderstatistik November 2006

Top 30 von 91 Ländern

# Anfragen Dateien kb Land

1 393103 29.85% 346119 30.17% 6683296 29.30% Netzwerke (NET)
2 214049 16.26% 198805 17.33% 3445148 15.10% Deutschland
3 149836 11.38% 121644 10.60% 2607994 11.43% Frankreich
4 138527 10.52% 120077 10.47% 2608912 11.44% Unbekannte Adressen
5 107006 8.13% 98476 8.58% 1695909 7.43% Schweiz
6 65531 4.98% 57020 4.97% 1325148 5.81% Firmen (COM)
7 45870 3.48% 36067 3.14% 686070 3.01% Belgien
8 41587 3.16% 38531 3.36% 675514 2.96% Oesterreich
9 40259 3.06% 31826 2.77% 719907 3.16% Kanada
10 19412 1.47% 15725 1.37% 336063 1.47% Brasilien
11 15124 1.15% 13805 1.20% 259489 1.14% Niederlande
12 8280 0.63% 7038 0.61% 204898 0.90% Argentinien
13 8049 0.61% 6370 0.56% 200633 0.88% Spanien
14 6812 0.52% 5912 0.52% 151456 0.66% Mexiko
15 6162 0.47% 5388 0.47% 155344 0.68% Italien
16 4314 0.33% 4209 0.37% 72441 0.32% USA-Univers./Schulen
17 4206 0.32% 3657 0.32% 85856 0.38% Polen
18 3059 0.23% 2697 0.24% 52939 0.23% Australien
19 3013 0.23% 2162 0.19% 55265 0.24% Chile
20 3009 0.23% 2354 0.21% 34987 0.15% Daenemark
21 2769 0.21% 2740 0.24% 59210 0.26% Grossbritannien
22 2716 0.21% 2260 0.20% 36790 0.16% Luxemburg
23 2398 0.18% 2291 0.20% 40691 0.18% Ungarn
24 1982 0.15% 1815 0.16% 41162 0.18% Portugal
25 1898 0.14% 1625 0.14% 48851 0.21% Organisationen (ORG)
26 1805 0.14% 1542 0.13% 25198 0.11% Norwegen
27 1726 0.13% 1709 0.15% 30157 0.13% Schweden
28 1702 0.13% 1287 0.11% 38336 0.17% Bulgarien
29 1473 0.11% 1306 0.11% 51382 0.23% Tschechien
30 1421 0.11% 1391 0.12% 29381 0.13% USA

Dezember 2006

Monats-Statistik für Dezember 2006

Summe Anfragen 1911931
Summe Dateien 1675757
Summe Seiten 78423
Summe Besuche 45311
Summe kb 33514208

Summe unterschiedlicher Rechner (IP-Adressen) 36836
Summe unterschiedlicher URLs 10908
Summe unterschiedlicher Verweise 2182
Summe unterschiedlicher Anwenderprogramme 2147

. Schnitt Maximum

Anfragen pro Stunde 2569 9060
Anfragen pro Tag 61675 77484
Dateien pro Tag 54056 70036
Seiten pro Tag 2529 4036
Besuche pro Tag 1461 1968
kb pro Tag 1081103 1348112

Anfragen nach Status-Code

Code 200 - OK 1675757
Code 206 - Unvollständiger Inhalt 11542
Code 301 - Seite dauerhaft an anderer Stelle 314
Code 304 - Seite nicht geändert 190996
Code 400 - Ungültige Anfrage 14
Code 403 - Antwort verweigert 575
Code 404 - Seite nicht gefunden! 32732
Code 405 - Methode nicht erlaubt 1

Tagesstatistik Dezember 2006

Tages-Statistik im Monat Dezember 2006

Tag Anfragen Dateien Seiten Besuche Rechner kb

1 60088 3.14% 51427 3.07% 2671 3.41% 1459 3.22% 1643 4.46% 1068925 3.19%
2 53416 2.79% 45497 2.72% 1955 2.49% 1222 2.70% 1357 3.68% 964196 2.88%
3 68623 3.59% 57463 3.43% 3203 4.08% 1515 3.34% 1757 4.77% 1118630 3.34%
4 76761 4.01% 66627 3.98% 2364 3.01% 1628 3.59% 1881 5.11% 1348112 4.02%
5 71074 3.72% 62750 3.74% 2441 3.11% 1612 3.56% 1838 4.99% 1269303 3.79%
6 72582 3.80% 65302 3.90% 2761 3.52% 1657 3.66% 1882 5.11% 1274170 3.80%
7 72075 3.77% 66029 3.94% 3175 4.05% 1627 3.59% 1785 4.85% 1281188 3.82%
8 61233 3.20% 53393 3.19% 4036 5.15% 1497 3.30% 1736 4.71% 1108806 3.31%
9 54642 2.86% 47307 2.82% 3296 4.20% 1317 2.91% 1505 4.09% 1004657 3.00%
10 77293 4.04% 66734 3.98% 2649 3.38% 1667 3.68% 1902 5.16% 1241276 3.70%
11 76017 3.98% 68919 4.11% 2819 3.59% 1780 3.93% 2003 5.44% 1318832 3.94%
12 76514 4.00% 67634 4.04% 2752 3.51% 1905 4.20% 2094 5.68% 1265517 3.78%
13 73335 3.84% 64780 3.87% 2680 3.42% 1968 4.34% 2040 5.54% 1282501 3.83%
14 71877 3.76% 64613 3.86% 2726 3.48% 1785 3.94% 1921 5.22% 1245402 3.72%
15 59640 3.12% 52072 3.11% 2532 3.23% 1418 3.13% 1634 4.44% 1106347 3.30%
16 51493 2.69% 45063 2.69% 2074 2.64% 1249 2.76% 1419 3.85% 862938 2.57%
17 72438 3.79% 62600 3.74% 2413 3.08% 1589 3.51% 1756 4.77% 1210679 3.61%
18 77484 4.05% 70036 4.18% 3096 3.95% 1702 3.76% 1919 5.21% 1309330 3.91%
19 74203 3.88% 65508 3.91% 2639 3.37% 1804 3.98% 1889 5.13% 1303460 3.89%
20 67538 3.53% 60034 3.58% 2725 3.47% 1834 4.05% 1895 5.14% 1196045 3.57%
21 67450 3.53% 60082 3.59% 2251 2.87% 1588 3.50% 1689 4.59% 1101770 3.29%
22 52825 2.76% 46108 2.75% 2318 2.96% 1224 2.70% 1396 3.79% 978787 2.92%
23 52610 2.75% 47065 2.81% 2004 2.56% 1149 2.54% 1324 3.59% 818411 2.44%
24 38966 2.04% 33919 2.02% 1575 2.01% 1005 2.22% 1168 3.17% 776238 2.32%
25 34520 1.81% 30676 1.83% 1387 1.77% 957 2.11% 1120 3.04% 656472 1.96%
26 42642 2.23% 36821 2.20% 1930 2.46% 1140 2.52% 1270 3.45% 781866 2.33%
27 52881 2.77% 45875 2.74% 1883 2.40% 1306 2.88% 1462 3.97% 853767 2.55%
28 56249 2.94% 49290 2.94% 1762 2.25% 1248 2.75% 1484 4.03% 1099763 3.28%
29 55959 2.93% 46994 2.80% 3618 4.61% 1242 2.74% 1456 3.95% 1011662 3.02%
30 45425 2.38% 38241 2.28% 1808 2.31% 1157 2.55% 1442 3.91% 843216 2.52%
31 44078 2.31% 36898 2.20% 2880 3.67% 1089 2.40% 1208 3.28% 811944 2.42%

Stundenstatistik Dezember 2006

Stunden-Statistik im Monat Dezember 2006

Stunde Anfragen Dateien Seiten kb
Schnitt Summe Schnitt Summe Schnitt Summe Schnitt Summe

0 1718 53271 2.79% 1492 46263 2.76% 73 2276 2.90% 31010 961316 2.87%
1 1178 36520 1.91% 1008 31261 1.87% 58 1813 2.31% 20970 650083 1.94%
2 913 28322 1.48% 786 24395 1.46% 52 1640 2.09% 17564 544474 1.62%
3 790 24499 1.28% 662 20535 1.23% 50 1568 2.00% 15314 474743 1.42%
4 624 19347 1.01% 544 16869 1.01% 67 2090 2.67% 12717 394241 1.18%
5 674 20923 1.09% 591 18344 1.09% 65 2019 2.57% 12630 391538 1.17%
6 537 16659 0.87% 452 14021 0.84% 56 1763 2.25% 10086 312663 0.93%
7 743 23037 1.20% 668 20712 1.24% 55 1711 2.18% 16317 505820 1.51%
8 1441 44686 2.34% 1259 39030 2.33% 129 4012 5.12% 28093 870888 2.60%
9 1907 59141 3.09% 1673 51892 3.10% 107 3323 4.24% 34803 1078904 3.22%
10 2591 80329 4.20% 2291 71049 4.24% 109 3392 4.33% 45827 1420635 4.24%
11 3231 100164 5.24% 2758 85514 5.10% 122 3797 4.84% 57020 1767612 5.27%
12 3483 107989 5.65% 3087 95711 5.71% 129 4007 5.11% 58889 1825571 5.45%
13 3532 109517 5.73% 3116 96600 5.76% 120 3723 4.75% 60342 1870599 5.58%
14 4061 125921 6.59% 3575 110853 6.62% 134 4178 5.33% 70633 2189623 6.53%
15 3898 120866 6.32% 3417 105931 6.32% 131 4087 5.21% 66212 2052574 6.12%
16 4173 129372 6.77% 3695 114552 6.84% 163 5061 6.45% 73392 2275160 6.79%
17 4701 145759 7.62% 4191 129937 7.75% 170 5275 6.73% 81329 2521193 7.52%
18 4350 134874 7.05% 3769 116861 6.97% 136 4223 5.38% 74817 2319328 6.92%
19 4291 133031 6.96% 3721 115372 6.88% 136 4241 5.41% 73295 2272130 6.78%
20 4014 124459 6.51% 3531 109487 6.53% 136 4242 5.41% 72104 2235239 6.67%
21 3611 111970 5.86% 3199 99170 5.92% 126 3931 5.01% 58917 1826438 5.45%
22 3004 93145 4.87% 2634 81661 4.87% 104 3230 4.12% 51892 1608643 4.80%
23 2197 68130 3.56% 1927 59737 3.56% 91 2821 3.60% 36929 1144795 3.42%

Top 30 von 10908 URLs

# Anfragen kb URL

1 11409 0.60% 650749 1.94% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-for-painting-in-meditation.html
2 4387 0.23% 293350 0.88% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-a-colorier-en-meditation.html
3 2793 0.15% 80530 0.24% /
4 2559 0.13% 106875 0.32% /ps/Dahlke_mandalas-zum-meditierenden-ausmalen.html
5 1243 0.07% 31867 0.10% /as/vietnam/vietnamkrieg-fotos.html
6 1201 0.06% 69932 0.21% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-a-pintar-en-meditacion.html
7 1152 0.06% 140777 0.42% /eu/ch/nebelspalter-Hitler-Stalin1932-1939.html
8 1094 0.06% 21910 0.07% /USA/Palomino2005_New-Orleans
9 1016 0.05% 439717 1.31% /med/DrVogel/10_allgemeine-krankheiten.htm
10 879 0.05% 54354 0.16% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-zum-meditierenden-ausmalen.html
11 789 0.04% 87883 0.26% /eu/ch/nebelspalter-Hitler-Stalin1940-1948.html
12 754 0.04% 94868 0.28% /USA/trails/Coons_USA-trails-ohne-freiheit.htm
13 664 0.03% 27344 0.08% /afrika/kol/N3-2004_Bismarcks-Kongo-konferenz-1884-aufteilung-Afrikas.htm
14 594 0.03% 19716 0.06% /welt/Holitzka_kornkreis-mandalas-zum-meditierenden-ausmalen.html
15 533 0.03% 131137 0.39% /natur/wald/waldschaendung.html
16 517 0.03% 349094 1.04% /eu/3R/Eitner_Hitlers-reich-und-selbstzerstoerung.htm
17 511 0.03% 7259 0.02% /natur/dinosaurier/xenos-D_30-dinosaurierbilder-zum-ausmalen.html
18 442 0.02% 6478 0.02% /natur/dinosaurier/xenos-GB_30-dinosaur-pictures-for-painting.html
19 418 0.02% 13297 0.04% /psych-index.html
20 411 0.02% 56055 0.17% /USA/betrug/betrug12_9-11.htm
21 410 0.02% 57034 0.17% /as/china/China-01-1644-1911-mandschus-nationalisten-Japan.html
22 403 0.02% 26091 0.08% /atmosphaerenfahrt-index.html
23 394 0.02% 10748 0.03% /eu/griechenland/Palomino1996_kreta-santorini-heraklion.html
24 369 0.02% 2376 0.01% /USA/mondlandung-gelogen-40mia-
25 366 0.02% 50301 0.15% /med/DrVogel/08_standardheilmittel-naturmedizin.htm
26 338 0.02% 40358 0.12% /musik/Galamian_grundlagen-und-methoden-des-violinspiels.htm
27 335 0.02% 67379 0.20% /USA/Risi_der-laengste-kreuzzug.htm
28 332 0.02% 4339 0.01% /biographie.htm
29 308 0.02% 14850 0.04% /welt/arte2005_Titanic-untergang-gruende.html
30 302 0.02% 18974 0.06% /soz/buch-hoelle/13_moderne-sintflut.htm

Top 10 von 10908 URLs sortiert nach kb

# Anfragen kb URL

1 11409 0.60% 650749 1.94% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-for-painting-in-meditation.html
2 1016 0.05% 439717 1.31% /med/DrVogel/10_allgemeine-krankheiten.htm
3 517 0.03% 349094 1.04% /eu/3R/Eitner_Hitlers-reich-und-selbstzerstoerung.htm
4 4387 0.23% 293350 0.88% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-a-colorier-en-meditation.html
5 1152 0.06% 140777 0.42% /eu/ch/nebelspalter-Hitler-Stalin1932-1939.html
6 533 0.03% 131137 0.39% /natur/wald/waldschaendung.html
7 2559 0.13% 106875 0.32% /ps/Dahlke_mandalas-zum-meditierenden-ausmalen.html
8 754 0.04% 94868 0.28% /USA/trails/Coons_USA-trails-ohne-freiheit.htm
9 153 0.01% 94178 0.28% /soz/buch-hoelle/16_impfen-schadet.htm
10 789 0.04% 87883 0.26% /eu/ch/nebelspalter-Hitler-Stalin1940-1948.html

Top 10 von 1270 Eingangsseiten Gesamt

# Anfragen Besuche URL

1 11409 0.60% 8933 19.94% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-for-painting-in-meditation.html
2 4387 0.23% 3428 7.65% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-a-colorier-en-meditation.html
3 2559 0.13% 1528 3.41% /ps/Dahlke_mandalas-zum-meditierenden-ausmalen.html
4 2793 0.15% 1244 2.78% /
5 1243 0.07% 958 2.14% /as/vietnam/vietnamkrieg-fotos.html
6 1016 0.05% 906 2.02% /med/DrVogel/10_allgemeine-krankheiten.htm
7 1201 0.06% 806 1.80% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-a-pintar-en-meditacion.html
8 1152 0.06% 788 1.76% /eu/ch/nebelspalter-Hitler-Stalin1932-1939.html
9 879 0.05% 686 1.53% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-zum-meditierenden-ausmalen.html
10 664 0.03% 548 1.22% /afrika/kol/N3-2004_Bismarcks-Kongo-konferenz-1884-aufteilung-Afrikas.htm

Top 10 von 1318 Ausgangsseiten Gesamt

# Anfragen Besuche URL

1 11409 0.60% 8700 19.43% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-for-painting-in-meditation.html
2 4387 0.23% 3166 7.07% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-a-colorier-en-meditation.html
3 2559 0.13% 1705 3.81% /ps/Dahlke_mandalas-zum-meditierenden-ausmalen.html
4 2793 0.15% 1229 2.74% /
5 1243 0.07% 941 2.10% /as/vietnam/vietnamkrieg-fotos.html
6 1016 0.05% 884 1.97% /med/DrVogel/10_allgemeine-krankheiten.htm
7 1201 0.06% 801 1.79% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-a-pintar-en-meditacion.html
8 1152 0.06% 722 1.61% /eu/ch/nebelspalter-Hitler-Stalin1932-1939.html
9 879 0.05% 711 1.59% /ps/Owusu_mandalas-zum-meditierenden-ausmalen.html
10 789 0.04% 550 1.23% /eu/ch/nebelspalter-Hitler-Stalin1940-1948.html

Top 30 von 36836 Rechnern (IP-Adressen)

# Anfragen Dateien kb Besuche Rechnername

1 5676 0.30% 5668 0.34% 70678 0.21% 4 0.01% 1.pool85-53-67.dynamic.orange.es
2 3595 0.19% 3595 0.21% 48199 0.14% 1 0.00% ip-83-99-27-246.dyn.luxdsl.pt.lu
3 3303 0.17% 3300 0.20% 44421 0.13% 1 0.00% 88-138-190-16.adslgp.cegetel.net
4 3279 0.17% 3279 0.20% 26507 0.08% 1 0.00%
5 3215 0.17% 24 0.00% 748 0.00% 34 0.08% crm36.image.search.mud.yahoo.net
6 3085 0.16% 3085 0.18% 39717 0.12% 1 0.00% 248-150-223-201.adsl.terra.cl
7 2976 0.16% 2566 0.15% 145310 0.43% 3 0.01%
8 2873 0.15% 2873 0.17% 23835 0.07% 1 0.00% c-82-192-251-236.customer.ggaweb.ch
9 2861 0.15% 2861 0.17% 80863 0.24% 2 0.00% 218.red-62-57-244.user.auna.net
10 2719 0.14% 380 0.02% 31676 0.09% 7 0.02%
11 2284 0.12% 2282 0.14% 19431 0.06% 1 0.00% p54b4fece.dip.t-dialin.net
12 2138 0.11% 1654 0.10% 39485 0.12% 2 0.00%
13 2100 0.11% 1969 0.12% 118139 0.35% 4 0.01%
14 2042 0.11% 2040 0.12% 40045 0.12% 3 0.01%
15 1709 0.09% 1211 0.07% 23835 0.07% 2 0.00% arennes-356-1-99-248.w86-220.abo.wanadoo.fr
16 1644 0.09% 884 0.05% 13538 0.04% 24 0.05% 80-219-86-69.dclient.hispeed.ch
17 1476 0.08% 1417 0.08% 22291 0.07% 10 0.02% 85-232-27-168.pool.hlkomm.net
18 1441 0.08% 606 0.04% 9945 0.03% 5 0.01% 85-194-206-146.wlannet.com
19 1432 0.07% 1379 0.08% 22717 0.07% 3 0.01% cable-179-223.iesy.net
20 1410 0.07% 1410 0.08% 18363 0.05% 1 0.00% 213-63-54-99.dsl.net.artelecom.pt
21 1405 0.07% 1401 0.08% 14440 0.04% 1 0.00% ip-83-134-219-173.dsl.scarlet.be
22 1366 0.07% 630 0.04% 14218 0.04% 10 0.02% c66.110.149-39.clta.globetrotter.net
23 1349 0.07% 302 0.02% 2280 0.01% 1 0.00%
24 1324 0.07% 506 0.03% 10874 0.03% 1 0.00%
25 1302 0.07% 1260 0.08% 50790 0.15% 42 0.09% spider.search.ch
26 1291 0.07% 521 0.03% 9742 0.03% 6 0.01% 80-219-135-171.dclient.hispeed.ch
27 1258 0.07% 487 0.03% 6114 0.02% 3 0.01% dslb-084-061-064-184.pools.arcor-ip.net
28 1246 0.07% 800 0.05% 12970 0.04% 10 0.02% serveur.ccrht.qc.ca
29 1238 0.06% 1156 0.07% 14907 0.04% 2 0.00% anantes-257-1-5-249.w90-31.abo.wanadoo.fr
30 1231 0.06% 827 0.05% 10300 0.03% 14 0.03% 75-92-7-86.boi.clearwire-dns.net

Top 10 von 36836 Rechnern (IP-Adressen) sortiert nach kb

# Anfragen Dateien kb Besuche Rechnername

1 2976 0.16% 2566 0.15% 145310 0.43% 3 0.01%
2 2100 0.11% 1969 0.12% 118139 0.35% 4 0.01%
3 2861 0.15% 2861 0.17% 80863 0.24% 2 0.00% 218.red-62-57-244.user.auna.net
4 5676 0.30% 5668 0.34% 70678 0.21% 4 0.01% 1.pool85-53-67.dynamic.orange.es
5 1064 0.06% 821 0.05% 59673 0.18% 8 0.02% proxy.onb.ac.at
6 261 0.01% 257 0.02% 53655 0.16% 1 0.00% 246.55.100-84.rev.gaoland.net
7 464 0.02% 450 0.03% 52874 0.16% 18 0.04%
8 1302 0.07% 1260 0.08% 50790 0.15% 42 0.09% spider.search.ch
9 3595 0.19% 3595 0.21% 48199 0.14% 1 0.00% ip-83-99-27-246.dyn.luxdsl.pt.lu
10 3303 0.17% 3300 0.20% 44421 0.13% 1 0.00% 88-138-190-16.adslgp.cegetel.net

Top 30 von 2182 Verweise

# Anfragen Verweise

1 13044 0.68% http://images.google.de/imgres
2 5796 0.30% http://www.google.de/search
3 3147 0.16% http://images.google.com/imgres
4 2109 0.11% http://images.google.ch/imgres
5 1927 0.10% http://www.google.ch/search
6 1795 0.09% http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images/view
7 1627 0.09% http://www.google.fr/search
8 1477 0.08%
9 1468 0.08% http://images.google.at/imgres
10 1354 0.07%
11 1195 0.06% http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandala
12 1126 0.06% http://www.google.com/search
13 917 0.05% http://images.google.fr/imgres
14 821 0.04%
15 617 0.03%
16 580 0.03% http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-zYUJlMU5eplStSKID3I3a335RzT0UnuYtw--
17 565 0.03% http://www.google.at/search
18 534 0.03% http://de.search.yahoo.com/search/images/view
19 529 0.03% http://jdempcy.blogspot.com/2006_01_01_jdempcy_archive.html
20 471 0.02% http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm
21 470 0.02% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandala
22 450 0.02% http://images.google.ca/imgres
23 447 0.02% http://www.google.es/search
24 427 0.02% http://de.search.yahoo.com/search
25 407 0.02% http://images.google.com.br/imgres
26 369 0.02% http://images.google.nl/imgres
27 362 0.02%
28 345 0.02% http://www.gimy.de/profil/.derPe./gaestebuch.htm
29 327 0.02% http://images.google.es/imgres
30 322 0.02% http://fr.search.yahoo.com/search/images/view

Top 20 von 1971 Suchausdrücke Gesamt

# Anfragen Suche

1 501 12.94% mandalas
2 154 3.98% agent orange
3 78 2.01% mandala a colorier
4 62 1.60% lexington and concord
5 44 1.14% mandalas para pintar
6 40 1.03% ouroboros
7 35 0.90% mandala
8 33 0.85% mandalas to color
9 32 0.83% agent%20orange
10 28 0.72% vietnam war
11 27 0.70% mandalas a colorier
12 27 0.70% vietnamkrieg
13 26 0.67% mandalas à colorier
14 24 0.62% dinosauros
15 17 0.44% reed dance
16 16 0.41% mandalas zum ausmalen
17 15 0.39% wtc j-
18 13 0.34% dinosaurierbilder
19 13 0.34% indio
20 13 0.34% iq tabelle

Top 15 von 2147 Anwenderprogramme

# Anfragen Anwenderprogramm

1 366959 19.19% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
2 210338 11.00% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
3 144463 7.56% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
4 87033 4.55% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
5 71033 3.72% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/
6 63117 3.30% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Geck
7 49351 2.58% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
8 49102 2.57% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)
9 31735 1.66% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
10 31651 1.66% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Geck
11 27410 1.43% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1
12 23852 1.25% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; InfoP
13 19562 1.02% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; FunWe
14 18429 0.96% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
15 17501 0.92% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv: Geck

Länderstatistik Dezember 2006

Top 30 von 106 Ländern

# Anfragen Dateien kb Land

1 591772 30.95% 527979 31.51% 10097163 30.13% Netzwerke (NET)
2 297748 15.57% 276938 16.53% 4885040 14.58% Deutschland
3 199478 10.43% 164839 9.84% 3522607 10.51% Frankreich
4 182509 9.55% 160314 9.57% 2790128 8.33% Schweiz
5 180072 9.42% 158553 9.46% 3544526 10.58% Unbekannte Adressen
6 106855 5.59% 91748 5.48% 2276259 6.79% Firmen (COM)
7 63642 3.33% 56278 3.36% 1026649 3.06% Oesterreich
8 46284 2.42% 38056 2.27% 831135 2.48% Kanada
9 45224 2.37% 39210 2.34% 815304 2.43% Belgien
10 35055 1.83% 26688 1.59% 601703 1.80% Brasilien
11 22557 1.18% 20136 1.20% 371300 1.11% Niederlande
12 15276 0.80% 13555 0.81% 320377 0.96% Spanien
13 11801 0.62% 9701 0.58% 206678 0.62% Argentinien
14 10892 0.57% 9726 0.58% 276673 0.83% Italien
15 8048 0.42% 6550 0.39% 131044 0.39% Mexiko
16 6691 0.35% 6505 0.39% 103527 0.31% Chile
17 6628 0.35% 5710 0.34% 129580 0.39% Polen
18 6071 0.32% 5860 0.35% 90961 0.27% Luxemburg
19 5914 0.31% 5659 0.34% 102871 0.31% Australien
20 5501 0.29% 4988 0.30% 144941 0.43% Portugal
21 5478 0.29% 5132 0.31% 81680 0.24% USA-Univers./Schulen
22 4953 0.26% 4640 0.28% 141914 0.42% Ungarn
23 4538 0.24% 4236 0.25% 65809 0.20% Grossbritannien
24 4147 0.22% 3460 0.21% 111429 0.33% Tschechien
25 3247 0.17% 2624 0.16% 75798 0.23% Daenemark
26 2864 0.15% 2631 0.16% 38913 0.12% Finnland
27 2363 0.12% 2345 0.14% 64735 0.19% Schweden
28 2293 0.12% 1924 0.11% 50843 0.15% Organisationen (ORG)
29 2160 0.11% 1858 0.11% 53699 0.16% Japan
30 1927 0.10% 1763 0.11% 45519 0.14% Israel
