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                                2020: Boeing 737 crash WITHOUT crater
                                (70 tons) - here NEVER a Boeing 737 has
Tehran 2020: Boeing 737 crash WITHOUT crater (70 tons) - here NEVER a Boeing 737 has crashed

by Michael Palomino (since 2019)

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Circular e-mail Sep.1,2019: Merkel-Epstein connection without censorship - the video protocol - and Epstein Island without censorship - video protocols
The culprit is Zionist WJC - one of the main culprits is Edgar Bronfman
Article by
                                    Laura Loomer (8/28/2019): Who made
                                    Epstein a money mogul? - Photo: Ms.
                                    Mossad-Merkel receives a prize from
                                    the Zionist Bnei-Brith-Lodge, and is
                                    well known to Berggruen - Katherine
                                    Keating, acquaintance of Prince
                                    Andrew, forms a mafia with Ghislaine
                                    Maxwell AND with Berggruen - Mr.
                                    Schreiber destroyed the CDU with his
                                    donations, following the order of
                                    WJC-Bronfman (!)
Article by Laura Loomer (8/28/2019): Who made Epstein a money mogul? - Photo: Ms. Mossad-Merkel receives a prize from the Zionist Bnei-Brith-Lodge, and is well known to Berggruen - Katherine Keating, acquaintance of Prince Andrew, forms a mafia with Ghislaine Maxwell AND with Berggruen - Mr. Schreiber destroyed the CDU with his donations, following the order of WJC-Bronfman (!)

DOME IS GONE: COVER'S BLOWN - Epstein's Caged Victim Tells What Went On Underground) -- Zeugin Jane, Epstein-Opfer -- San Diego ("USA"): Das Menschenmuseum (Museum of Man) präsentiert Kannibalismus positiv -- Trump twittert Hamberders

Circular e-mail Nov.3, 2019: Holocaust in South "America" because of e-cars: jungle away+high Andes become inhabitable

The criminals are the corrupt governments with their electric cars destroying the planet in collaboration with satanists and high lodges

Circular e-mail Dec.3, 2019: Einstein analysis

EINSTEIN ANALYSIS: Religious war - gang crime with a magazine - Monopoly in Z. + helper syndrome from Mileva etc.

Religious war - stealing, hiding, fake a wrong impression, the non-culture of hiding - Einstein mafia members: the responsible for the review Annals of Physics - or agents have instructed the annals? - Monopoly in Züri - Einstein railed against the Hitler government - he lost all his fortune in Germany and even put the whole family in danger - Einstein = NOT a social revolutionary, although there was every reason to do so - The religious war until the death of Mileva - from 1946: Einstein NEVER visited Mileva - he also NEVER visited Mileva's grave - Mileva's helper syndrome - gang criminality - Einstein's motives to keep Mileva secret

Here a small plane was blown up - or individual parts were put down and an explosion was simulated - all this is a large Mossad theater again - the Ukrainian Boeing 737 was remotely controlled and hijacked like the Boeing aircrafts of September 11, 2001 and the Boeings of flight MH370 and flight MH17. The landing on Diego Garcia is likely.
Tehran 2020: Boeing
                                                737 crash WITHOUT crater
                                                (70 tons) - here NEVER a
                                                Boeing 737 has crashed
Tehran 2020: Boeing 737 crash WITHOUT crater (70 tons) - here NEVER a Boeing 737 has crashed

Who will free the world from this Jewish mafia?
Crypto Jew Erdogan with a Jesus
                                    Fantasy Pope at a parade
Crypto Jew Erdogan with a Jesus Fantasy Pope at a parade

E-mail March 12, 2021: Persecution of the Jews: 6 million victims according to new research  
Why is the 6 million figure of the persecution of Jews from 1933-1945 correct? New research is clearing up this matter

Details about Mr. Mustache, which was NOT a Teuton! -- Numbers -- Hitler + Rothschild was an alliance to drive Jews to Israel -- Germany 1943-1945: Millions of Jewish homes destroyed by US and UK bombs! -- The table - the division into 3 parts of the persecution of the Jews -- The 6 million number -- Right-wing groups only block research
