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Encyclopaedia Judaica

Racist Zionist organization in CSSR

Racist Zionist societies since 1893 - racist Zionist newspapers - racist Zionist student movements - the goal to "renew the image of Jewish man" - "national feelings" in WWI - "national minority rights" 1919-1939 - racist Zionist settlements in Palestine and Hebrew education - anti-Zionism - "pioneers" - emigration waves 1938-1939 and 1944-1950s - Communist block and Prague Spring 1968

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16,
                  col. 1097: The Eighteenth [[racist]] Zionist Congress,
                  Prague 1933. Courtesy J.N.U.L. Photo Collection,
                  Jerusalem. Photo Neckar, Prague
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1097: The Eighteenth [[racist]] Zionist Congress, Prague 1933.
Courtesy J.N.U.L. Photo Collection, Jerusalem. Photo Neckar, Prague

from: Zionism; In: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971, vol. 16

presented by Michael Palomino (2008)

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Racist Zionist madness says that Jewry would be a "nation" which is never possible because Jewry is a religion. Add to this the Arabs were never asked if a "Jewish State" would be built. But many Jews believed the Jewish racist Zionists and warmongers, called "Zionists" with it's racist Herzl booklet "The Jewish State". Zionist racism is legal until now (2008) and their racist books like "The Jewish State" from racist Herzl are not forbidden...]]
Before the Establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic (1918)

[Racist Zionist societies since 1893 - racist Zionist Jewish newspapers - racist Zionist students and Bar Kochba, Theodor Herzl: the goal to "renew the image of Jewish man" - racist Zionist Jewish weekly]

The growing tension between Czechs and Germans in Bohemia and Moravia aroused the sensitivity of the Jews to the nationality problem and a positive disposition toward the [[racist]] Zionist idea. Several Jewish nationalist societies were established even before the appearance of [[racist]] Theodor Herzl, especially in Czech provincial cities.

The first [[racist]] Zionist society was established in 1893 in the town of Hora¸dōvice in Bohemia. The appearance of [[racist]] Herzl aroused a strong response, especially in the communities of Moravia, due partly to the fact that many of the youth of these communities had come into contact with [[racist]] Herzl and [[racist]] Zionism while studying in Vienna.

In 1900 the first [[racist]] Zionist weekly the Juedische Volksstimme [[Germ.: Jewish Folk's Voice]], was founded in Brno (Bruenn). [[Jewry is a religion and not a "folk", but many Jews followed this racist Zionist national madness]]. Berthold Feiwel and Robert Stricker, among the first [[racist]] Zionist students from Moravia, rose later to leading positions in the world movement. [[Racist]] Zionist societies were also established in Prague and the cities of the Sudeten. In the final decade before World War I, the [[racist]] Zionist student association *Bar Kochba, led by Shemuel Hugo (col. 1111)

Bergman, was outstanding for its high intellectual level. This group adopted not only the [[racist Zionist]] political program of [[racist]] Zionism but aimed also at a return to the sources of Jewish spiritual creativity and found contacts with the Jewish cultural and social way of life in eastern Europe. Their goals blended into the great educational task designed to "renew the image of Jewish man". On the whole this group supported the outlook of the Democratic Fraction within the [[racist]] Zionist Organization and cultural [[racist]] Zionism; later on it leaned toward the ideas of A.D. *Gordon. Its initiative led to the publication of the [[racist]] Zionist weekly *Selbstwehr [[Self Defense]] (1907) and the anthology Vom Judentum [[About Jewry]] (1913).

From Bar Kochba emerged many [[racist]] Zionist leaders in Czechoslovakia and beyond, S.H. Bergman, Hugo Hermann, and Robert Weltsch. With the expansion of the movement among Czech-speaking students, another, parallel group was founded under the name Theodor Herzl (1909).

[Racist Zionist student group Barissia - youth group Blau-Weiss - Maccabi - Mizrachi]

The student [[racist]] Zionist society Barissia, founded in 1903, supported militant [[racist]] political Zionism. In the last two years before the outbreak of World War I, the first youth movement, *Blau-Weiss [[Blue-White]], was established [[with abuse of youth enthusiasm for racist Zionist Jewish war purposes]]. Maccabi and other sports organizations were also established in many communities, as were women's organizations.

In Slovakia, then part of Hungary, [[racist]] Zionism penetrated only into communities in the western areas, which maintained closer contact with Jewry in Vienna and Moravia.

The founding world convention of Mizrachi was held in Pressburg (Bratislava) in 1904.

[WWI enforces Zionist Jewish "national feelings"]

Although World War I interrupted the organizational work of the [[racist]] Zionist Organization, it also widened and deepened the national feelings by bringing Jewish soldiers from the West to centers of Jewish life in eastern Europe, on the one hand, and many thousands of Jewish refugees from Galicia to communities in Moravia and Bohemia, on the other.

In the Republic of Czechoslovakia (1918-39)

[Jewish "national" minority rights]

The establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic signified a victory for the principle of national self-determination, which was also supported by the [[racist]] Zionist movement.

[[CSSR was not created with the "principle of national self-determination, because in CSSR the "national" minorities NEVER had any chance for self determination but were separated from their nations by army force which was supported by racist colonial France: German-Austrians, Hungarians, Ukrainians, and Poles were never asked, never had a chance to vote, and by this CSSR had a very bad reputation and was destroyed soon in 1938]].

The establishment of the new, democratic republic also appeared to be the great hour of the [[racist]] Zionist movement, as the leader of the new state, the philosopher and humanist T.G. Masaryk, had fought against anti-Jewish blood libels, was a great admirer of Ahad (Aḥad) Ha-Am, and was supported in his struggle for national independence by [[racist]] Zionist leaders in the [[criminal racist]] United States and Great Britain. The Jewish National Council was founded on the initiative of [[racist]] Zionists and was headed by the leader of the [[racist]] Prague Zionists, L. Singer, aided by Max Brod, Emil Margulies, chief rabbi Chaim Brody, and others. The council's program aimed toward achieving national, political, and cultural autonomy, built upon the communities as autonomous cells. The movement achieved recognition for the Jewish nationality in the constitution of the republic and protection for the rights of a national minority and also succeeded in building a network of Hebrew and Jewish schools - especially in the eastern areas of the republic, but it never achieved the full realization of Jewish cultural autonomy.

The stress on Diaspora work met with opposition in the [[racist]] Zionist movement, and at the second national conference, held in Brno in 1921, a new leadership was chosen for the [[racist]] Zionist movement. It was headed by Joseph *Rufeisen, who advanced practical activities toward the upbuilding of Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]] as the central platform of the [[racist]] Zionist program. The center of the ´ionist movement was set up in Ostrava and remained there until 1938.

[Racist Jewish settlement work in Palestine - development of racist Zionist Jewish Hebrew education]

The [[racist]] Zionist Organization in Czechoslovakia, headed by Rufeisen, was outstanding in its efforts for settlement work in Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]], Hebrew and Jewish education, and training of halutzim (ḥalutzim) [[pioneers]], while the [[racist Zionist]] Jewish National Council and the Jewish Party (*´idovská Strana) handled local political matters. On [[racist]] Zionist policy, the majority supported Weizmann's line and based itself on the close cooperation between the [[racist]] General Zionists, headed by Rufeisen, and the [[racist]] Labor Zionists; the Revisionists and Mizrachi also developed substantially.

[Anti-Zionism in CSSR]

The [[racist]] Zionists had decisive influence in the communities in Slovakia and Sub-Carpathian Ruthenia. Their opponents were the Czech assimilationist movement, and most fiercely the Communists on one end of the spectrum and the ultra-Orthodox on the other.

[Racist Zionist Jewish pioneers for racist settlements in Palestine - racist Zionist Jewish youth movements]

A pioneering He-Halutz (He-Ḥalutz) movement had existed since the establishment of the republic and succeeded in founding a number of collective [[racist Zionist Jewish]] settlements and moshavim [[settlements]] in Palestine. Various youth movements were active in the spirit of pioneering and aliyah [[with abuse of youth enthusiasm for racist Zionist Jewish war purposes]].

[Racist Zionists giving social welfare for persecuted Jews]

Zionist influence was also decisive in the sphere of education and in the 1930s in the area of social welfare, especially for the Jews of Sub-Carpathian Ruthenia and the refugees of Nazi persecution.

[Racist Zionist Congresses]

Three [[racist]] Zionist Congresses were held on Czechoslovak territory: the (col. 1112)

12th [[racist]] Zionist Congress (1921) and 13th [[racist]] Zionist Congress (1923) in Carlsbad and the 18th [[racist]] Zionist Congress (1933) in Prague.

The Holocaust and After

[Destruction of the CSSR - emigration wave of about 15,000 Jews to Palestine 1938-1939]

The destruction of the Czechoslovak Republic [[a cooperation work of Hitler with Chamberlain]], after the annexation of Austria [[the Austrian population gave flowers to the German Nazi soldiers]], came in several quick stages: the annexation of the Sudetenland to Germany (October 1938), giving over certain areas to Hungary and Poland (November 1938) [[according to the "nation" principle]], the establishment of "independent" Slovakia (March 14, 1939), the conquest of Bohemia and Moravia by the German army turning them into the "Protectorate" (March 15, 1939), the annexation of the remainder of Sub-Carpathian Ruthenia by Hungary (March 16, 1939).

These were also the stages of the destruction of Czechoslovak Jewry, while the [[racist]] Zionists played central roles in attempts to save it. They increased their efforts toward facilitating aliyah [[emigration to Palestine]] and emigration [[to other countries]]. About 15,000 Jews from Czechoslovakia succeeded in reaching Palestine between the autumn of 1938 and the end of 1939, the overwhelming majority by means of "illegal" immigration.

[Racist Zionist Jewish activities in occupied CSSR and in concentration camps - escape means - "Europe Plan" of Fleischmann - Jewish partisans 1944]

[[Racist]] Zionists remained in most positions of community leadership both in the "Protectorate" and Slovakia. Under the leadership of the [[racist]] Zionists Jacob Edelstein, Franz Kahn, Otto Zucker and Hannah Steiner, together with the leaders of the pioneering movement, the [[racist]] Zionists preserved their sense of cooperation, national loyalty, and Jewish values in the Theresienstadt concentration camp and even in Auschwitz. They organized means of escape from Slovakia, where the head of WIZO, Gisi *Fleischmann, initiated the *Europa Plan to save European Jewry, and many [[racist]] Zionist youths took part in the partisan uprising in Slovakia in the summer of 1944.

[CSSR since 1944 as transit country for Berihah - weapons for "war of Independence" - emigration wave of 20,000 Jews in racist Herzl Israel - close of racist Zionist activities in the 1950s - emigration wave of 1968]

The few who survived the Holocaust

[["The few" were many:

<Perhaps a million Jewish refugees were alive in camps in Europe in May 1945.>
(from: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971: Zionism, Vol. 16, col. 1058)

<The end of the war in Europe in May 1945 [...] was necessary to aid in the rehabilitation of hundreds of thousands of survivors of Nazi camps.>
(from: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971: Zionism; Vol. 16, col. 1087)]]

tried to reestablish the [[racist]] Zionist movement after the war and save the survivors through aliyah and settlement in Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]]. [[Racist]] Zionist activity was renewed in all parts of the republic. Czechoslovakia was a major transit country for the flow of the Berihah (Beriḥah) from Poland. During the Israel War of Independence (1948), Czechoslovakia was a major source of arms' supply to the new state [[in coordination with Stalin in the hope Israel would become a Communist satellite]].

Emigration to (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]] Israel was permitted, and more than 20,000 Jews, about 40% of the Jewish community, settled there. After a short while, however, the sympathy of the new Communist government in Czechoslovakia for [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel evaporated [[because it turned out that racist Herzl Israel would be a satellite of CIA and the criminal racist "USA"]]. Zionist activity was forbidden, and after a time emigration was also halted. In 1952 the Communist government staged a show trial against "Zionism" (see *Slánský Trial). During the short period of the "Prague Spring" in 1968, under the leadership of Alexander Dubček, expression of sympathy for the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel was again permitted and even aliyah [[emigration to Palestine]] was renewed, but organized [[racist]] Zionist activity did not resume and the invasion of the Warsaw Pact armies in August 1968 ended this period of relative improvement.

[CH.Y.]> (col. 1113)

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Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16,
                    col. 1111-1112
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1111-1112
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16,
                    col. 1113-1114
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Zionism, vol. 16, col. 1113-1114

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