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Swiss history - the crash

by Michael Palomino (2014)

How criminal Switzerland was provoking it's own exclusion from the web site "History in Chronology"

-- within the 9 years of existence of www.geschichteinchronologie.ch the criminal Swiss justice has blocked the web site about 10 times without warnings and with invented reasons respectively servers were manipulated against the author or the Internet system was manipulated so the web site could not be found any more

-- criminal Swiss justice is not capable to communicate respectively it is an absolute dictatorship concerning free history research

-- criminal Swiss justice is pursuing the author in the whole world - although the author is German and not Swiss (!) - with defamations and calumny and is manipulating neighbors, hotel owners, bus drivers and other secret services against the author without end

-- criminal Swiss justice has installed a law against historians for defamation of historians calling everything being "racist" when new investigation results are found out about the persecution of the Jews from 1933 to 1945, and also the defamation of groups of humans of nations is absolutely legal with calumny and mobbing until today (2014) - and these conditions have NOT changed until today and this is not acceptable any more

-- criminal Swiss justice is also manipulating the search results with google so the decisive web site www.geschichteinchronologie.ch can hardly be found and the numbers of visitors is sinking

-- criminal Swiss justice is also manipulating the advertising on the web site and criminal Swiss justice seems to collaborate with google Adsense directly for blocking the advertising again and again WITHOUT warning: google Adsense is rating photos as "dangerous for youth" or as "porn" also when there is no danger for youth at all and when there is no "porn" at all - that means: criminal Swiss justice is google Adsense itself and they want also to destroy the reputation of the author in this way and it's not important for them to destroy 1,000s of customer's contacts and destroying the income by advertisements which was regularly given to the poor

-- criminal Swiss justice with all it's maneuvers is supported by criminal Swiss secret service, and the Swiss secret service itself is administrated by right extremist political Nazi party of SVP with the idiot Federal councilor Mr. Maurer who is only doing further education when the matter is about spying

-- the latest case of blockage of the web site by criminal Swiss justice was the following: there was put a deadline of 10 days and then this Swiss justice did not follow it's own deadline (which counts from receiving the letter) - but it was a "joy" for them to block the web site again on Nov. 28, 2014 by an abusive order whereas all conditions were fulfilled and the deadline by the first letter was until December 1, 2014 - but Swiss justice does not know it's own law because the criminals of Swiss justice want to make their "career" and a blockage of a web site brings more career points than to fulfill the laws...

With all this the conclusion is: Switzerland is NOT APPROPRIATE for higher education, and these primitives from Switzerland with criminal Swiss justice and with criminal Swiss secret service of Nazi Mr. Maurer (only see the rat posters of 2004) to these criminals anything has to be taken away which could be a reason for attack. It's enough now with all the calumny and extortions by this criminal Swiss secret service by the Nazi Mr. Maurer and his Nazi spies who are manipulating neighbors, hotel owners and bus drivers and other secret services against the author etc. without end.

Thus Switzerland is deleted from the web site "History in Chronology". Swiss history has crashed.

Fuck You criminal Shitzerland!

Michael Palomino, December 3, 2014