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Irak-Index / Iraq index

von / by Michael Palomino

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Irak-Kinderhilfe von Ärzte gegen Atomkrieg

ab 2008
  • Der "befreite" Irak (Meldungen) - Teil 2 -
    Wie die kriminellen "USA" und England die Berichterstattung manipuleiren und ihre kriminellen Taten im Irak vertuschen
2008 /  2009: Irakkrieg-Bilanzen

The Jews in Iraq - Iraqi policy against Jewish Free Mason Herzl Israel with "US" alliance

1. Jewry in Iraq 634-1917 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)  English
Caliph rules and occupation rules - tolerant laws and discrimination laws

2. Jewry in Iraq: English Mandate 1917-1932 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)  English
Emancipation of the religions - Jewish commercial dominance - restrictions against Zionist since 1929

3. The Jews in Iraq under Iraqi rule 1932-1948 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)  English
Iraqi independence is introducing anti-Jewish laws against Zionism - pogroms and Zionist underground movement during Second World War - British occupation

4. Jewish community and cultural life in Iraq until 1948 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)  English
Structure of the Jewish communities - Jewish poets and Jewish writers in Iraq

5. Jewish flight and exodus from Iraq 1948-1952 - Jewish culture in Iraq (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)  English
Prosecution of the Jews in Iraq after the foundation of Herzl Zionist Free Mason state of Israel with "US" alliance

6. Pressed Jews in Iraq 1952-1969 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)  English
Jewish communists, Zionists, espionage - restrictions against the Jews - exodus down to 2,500 Jews

7. The states policy between Israel and Iraq 1918-1969 (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)  English
Iraqi aggressivity together with Jordan against Zionist Free Mason Herzl Israel with "US" alliance - oil weapon against western countries who are supporting Herzl Israel - Iraqi support of Palestinian guerrilla since 1967

Jews in Iraqi towns
  • Jews in Baghdad (Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)  English
    Structure of the Jewish communities - Jewish poets and Jewish writers in Baghdad - escalation because of Herzl Israel with "USA" as ally destroys the big part of the Jewish existences in Baghdad - integration of the remaining Jews

So, where are the Human Rights? Sign the Human Rights!!!
