We thank Mr. Christian Anders for his
analysis and we are asking us: Why CIA and FBI did not
notice all this before? Well, they probably did notice
it from the beginning but they did not tell anything,
and thus the "President" is susceptible to blackmail.
Look now what happens since 2009 - and this is my
7: Risk of blackmail of "President" Barack Obama by
Pentagon and NATO - and Putin only making propaganda
not indicating any detail

Pentagon at Potomac River - neo Nazis working [27] -
criminal NATO, probably partly pedophile [28]
Both, Pentagon and NATO, are using the homosexual
couple of Obamas for their extortions performing their
criminal war policy continuing the policy of Bush
government, and provoking more wars and revolutions in
the world - above all supporting the war of drones.
Here are the details:
Revolution in 2008: a black "president" is already
"revolution" enough
The fact that in November 2008 a black like Barack Obama
was elected "President" of the "United States" was
revolution enough for "U.S.A.". Certain right circles
never accepted this election of a black man as a "U.S."
President. The big majority of the "U.S." Americans did
not want to have any republican any more thus they
elected the black Mr. Obama - which real name is Barry
Soetoro. When in 2008 already had been known that Obama
was gay and drug addicted and a liar with a faked name
and was having a marriage with a man then he would have
been not electable - this had been too much revolution
in one time.
Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro) with the faked "First
Lady" not keeping any promise - probably extorted by
Pentagon and NATO since 200
It seems that secrecy about the "President" and his
"bride" Michael had first priority, and at the same time
just this secrecy is provoking that "U.S.A." and above
all the "President" are susceptible to blackmail What
were the projects of Obama for the world? We don't know.
But we know that Barry Soetoro alias Barack Obama got
the "Nobel Peace Price" in 2009, and we know that he was
promising two times to close the prison of Guantanamo.
Well, there was nothing with it, neither peace was
coming, nor Guantanamo was closed, but there were only
more manipulations and wars, above all the war of drones
without limits with mass murders also of many innocent
men in Pakistan and in Yemen, also in countries which
never had come in touch with "USA" in any kind. And
Guantanamo was never closed but is "working" until today
Therefore tt seems that since 2009 the Pentagon is
extorting the "President" systematically. Since 2009 the
Pentagon is following it's war line against the
"President" also when he is a "Nobel Peace Price"
winner. Wars were expanded, many states were
systematically destabilized (Egypt, Tunisia) or Syria
was even shot ito ruins. Systematically the war of
drones with mass murder without any warning is performed
in Pakistan and in Yemen.

Maps of criminal NATO in Europe in 1990 and in 2011
Now the question is: Did Obama want all this war action
or was he extorted by the Pentagon? It can be supposed
that the neo Nazi Pentagon which has only the aim to
destroy complete states for presenting "U.S.A." as the
"strongest" power in the world - it can be supposed that
this neo Nazi Pentagon in collaboration with "American"
armament industries (above all also with the new drones
industries) was extorting the gay "President" Barack
Obama with his gay "First Lady" Michael Obama since 2009
thus all war had to be accepted - and both Obamas let
extort themselves only for protecting their faked
identity. In other words: Obama was giving in to the neo
Nazis in the Pentagon giving them "free rein" to do what
they wanted and the "President" himself was
concentrating only to national politics. And both gay
Obamas are susceptible to blackmail without limits -
that's why also chemtrails are running "without end",
criminal "U.S.A." is organizing it's war of drones in
Germany from it's military base of Ramstein etc. etc.
Soetoro (Obama) is no member of the Committee of the
300 - but members are Kissinger, de Rothschild,
Rockefeller, Gates, Villiger etc.
There is a group which has projected the destruction of
the world, this is the "Committee of the 300". Barry
Soetoro (alias Barack Obama) is not a member for
example, but the war criminal Mr. Henry Kissinger is a
member there with 4 times de Rothschild and 3 times
Rockefeller, and with Windows billionaire Bill Gates and
with drug lord Mr. Kaspar Villiger [web01]. This
indicates that Mr. Barry Soetoro alias Barack Obama does
not care what is happening in the world. And this
indicates that he is mentally in a depression concerning
foreign politics by extortion by the neo Nazis in the
1990: East Germany - 2011: Russia - 2014:
Intervention in Ukraine by neo Nazis in the Pentagon
and by criminal NATO
In 1990 Gorbachev gave East Germany to the West with the
condition to the NATO not to expand to the east European
countries against Russia. NATO only had hands but they
had no ears and they organized one maneuver after the
other against Russia now. Already in 2011 criminal
"U.S.A." with CIA, criminal British secret service MI-6
and Rothschild puppet George Soros tried to transfer
huge funds for Russian intellectuals for provoking an
upheaval movement against Putin. There were some
demonstrations then but Putin was defending himself with
some measures saving Russia from a fall into the hands
of criminal "USA" with the world destroyers
Rothschild&Rockefeller (R&R). But then criminal
NATO was performing act number 2 installing rockets and
missiles in the frontier countries to Russia, above all
in Poland, Rumania, and Bulgaria [web02].
In 2014 then the neo Nazi Pentagon and NATO were going
too far because there was a "revolution" provoked by
agents, by Blackwater fighting troops and by snipers
provoking a collapse of the government there. This
"revolution" was in project since 20 years already. This
overthrow of the Ukrainian government by the
manipulation of the "West" was provoking a fury in
Putin's Russia thus he was taking a Russian part of
Ukraine - Crimea - by Russian troops. This again was
provoking a fury in the neo Nazi Pentagon with it's
criminal and probably pedophile contaminated NATO so
they meant that war ships and tanks had to be sent to
eastern Europe. And the new neo Nazi regime in Ukraine
supported by EUSA meant that there had to be
interventions against Russian loyal rebels with killing
actions. What meant Kissinger a short time ago on April
10, 2014: The case of Ukraine is the test for the fall
of the Putin regime. Well, this is the ultimate evidence
that neo Nazi Pentagon and criminal partly pedophile
NATO are executing another Russian Campaign against
Russia! But perhaps there will also be another solution!
Airplane of flight MH-370 has "disappeared"
All these events in Ukraine are combining also with an
uncleared disappearing of flight MH-370, a Boeing777 of
Malaysian Airlines. But the CIA base of Diego Garcia was
never examined and the airplane was defined of being
lost whereas smartphones were running during days yet
and the signals of the engines were stopping just over
Diego Garcia Rolls Royce says. The question as it seems
was about patents, about 20 highly expert IT specialists
and about a "strange load" which should not reach
Beijing. Thus the fury against "U.S.A." was rising in
the whole world. Probably the hijacking of this Boeing
777 was committed by neo Nazi Pentagon and CIA - thus
again "President" Obama was charged for it who was not
allowed to tell anything because he is susceptible to
Peace workers detecting the gay identity of the Obama
All these war actions of neo Nazi Pentagon and of
criminal NATO in Ukraine and the disappearing airplane
are provoking a huge fury in Europe and since one month
since March 2014 there are new Monday Demonstrations
again in Germany and new truths are coming out from all
corners about these criminal "U.S.A.". There is for
exaple the fact that since 1990 criminal NATO lis
flighting any peace in the world systematically. Instead
of dissolving this NATO is spreading in whole eastern
Europe subduing new countries encircling Russia step by
step. Thus criminal NATO is performing a new Russian
campaign step by step. Did the gay "President" Obama
want this? Probably not, but he was extorted and he had
to give in giving free rein for protecting his identity
and the identity of his life partner.
Concerning foreign policy "President" Obama is an
absolutely weak "President" and he cannot control
anything concerning foreign politics. Obama is a faked
hope, concerning foreign politics he is a figure of fun
provoking the death for masses. It seems that he is not
caring anything and he is giving all peace strategies up
only protecting and saving his identity. But with the
maneuvers in Ukraine the European peace workers will
come up, enough is enough. Now the truths about criminal
"U.S.A." are not protected any more and censorship of
mainstream media is not working any more, but now the
truth is coming up from all sides, also about Obama and
the faked "First Lady" Michael Obama (alias "Michelle
Obama"). The plays with hiding of identity and with
extortions by Pentagon and NATO have finished.
All in all gay President Barry Soetoro alias Barack
Obama is an absolutely weak President who is even more
weak by his gay "First Lady" again. And Nazis in the
Pentagon and in the NATO were using all possibilities of
extortion against the Peace Nobel Price winner for
committing more and more the complete destruction of the
world. Thus there is the question if Obama had put an
end to this destruction work with an outing of his
identity. Or there is another question if there were
threats against him...
Why Putin did not inform the world?

Putin, portrait in a sport's jacket
Only now becomes clear why Putin is making propaganda
against gays and lesbians since years - because it seems
that all this activity is an indirect warning from
criminal "U.S.A." with their gay "Presidential couple".
Why did Putin not inform the world from the beginning
about the facts about gay Obama couple? This remains an
enigma. Perhaps Mr. Putin wanted also a "weak President"
of the "U.S.A.", but he did not realize that neo Nazi
Pentagon and criminal NATO were also playing their
"play" with Obama. With all this the Pentagon and NATO
have riven "U.S.A." to the financial ruin. Only now one
can understand at least why this was possible. By the
same reason Obama could not form a truth movement about
September 11, 2001. Since 2009 the world is only with
sex problems and neo Nazi Pentagon and criminal and
probably pedophile NATO were only rising their
destructive activities rising their profits with it...
It can be admitted that the opponents of war and the
peace activists in Europe did not recognize the
susceptability to blackmail of this "President" Obama.
Now sexual therapists and honesty are asked. Peace is
going with
CCC=cookies, coffee and cake - for
sure not with uranium bombs, drones or rockets.
The Obamas committed forgery of documents without limits
and they were defrauding the public of the whole world -
and there is prison for this. But for the war mongers of
criminal Pentagon and criminal NATO there is even more
prison than for the Obamas...