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NATO is absolutely criminal - photo pages index

NATO = part of the high pedo network with: Satanists (Lucifer) - Committee of 300 (Queen of England) - Vatican (Pope)

NATO destroys one country after another, so that the parents then sell their children. NATO and the Satanists like THIS, so there are supplies for Satanist children's rituals.

Die kriminelle
                    NATTO hat sich die Welt aufgeteilt, Weltkarte
                    22.9.2015   Die kriminelle NATTO provoziert nur Ruinen,
                    Beispiele Syrien, Libyen und Ukraine 18.11.2014   Agent-Orange-Opfer in
                    Saigon im Kriegsmuseum (War Museum) 2013 mit
                    verkrüppelten Armen und Beinen, oder ohne Augen
World map of how the cr. NATO is dividing the world - ruins by cr. NATO without end - Agent Orange victims in Vietnam
Die kriminelle NATTO hat im Irak einen GENOZID
                    organisiert: Die Uranmunition (kleine, radioaktive
                    Atombomben) provozieren verstrahlte Panzerwracks in
                    der Wüste und der Staub lädt sich radioaktiv auf und
                    wird mit dem Wind im ganzen irak verbreitet - Kinder
                    kommen seither immer mehr mit Geburtsschäden und
                    Missbildungen auf die Welt   Die
                    kriminelle NATTO meint offiziell, die
                    "USA" müssten in Afghanistan verteidigt
                    werden. Die Wahrheit ist eine andere: Die NATTO
                    lässt die Bevölkerung Opiumfelder anpflanzen und
                    bewacht sie für die NATO-Drogenproduktion   Die kriminelle NATTO bombardierte
                    Belgrad mit Uranmunition. Die kriminelle NATTO
                    erweist sich als Nazi-Mafia, dargestellt z.B. mit
                    einem NATO-Hakenkreuz an der französischen Botschaft
                    in Belgrad
Iraq: Abnormalities caused by uranium dust from NATO uranium ammunition - Afghanistan: NATO opium fields - Belgrade: NATO = Nazi mafia

by Michael Palomino (2016 - translation 2020)

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NATO photo pages 01: NATO maps

The criminal NATTO has divided the world for their purposes, world map of Sept.22, 2015
The criminal NATTO has
                          divided the world for their purposes, world
                          map of Sept.22, 2015

NATO photo pages 02: NATO ruins

Criminal NATO only provokes ruins, examples are Syria, Libya and Ukraine Nov.18,2014

Syria, Libya and Ukraine have NEVER attacked the "USA".

Criminal NATO only provokes ruins,
                          examples are Syria, Libya and Ukraine
                          Nov.18,2014 Syria, Libya and Ukraine have
                          NEVER attacked the "USA".

NATO photo pages 03: Agent Orange
Agent Orange victim of
                          the criminal NATTO in Vietnam in Saigon in the
                          War Museum 2013 with crippled arms and legs,
                          or without eyes Vietnam has NEVER attacked the
Agent Orange victim of the criminal NATTO in Vietnam in Saigon in the War Museum 2013 with crippled arms and legs, or without eyes

Vietnam has NEVER attacked the "USA".

NATO photo pages 04: uranium bombs ("uranium ammunition")

The criminal NATTO organized a GENOCIDE in Iraq: the uranium ammunition (small, radioactive atomic bombs) provokes irradiated tank wrecks in the desert and the dust charges radioactively and is spread across the whole country of Iraq by the wind - since then, children have been born in Iraq with birth defects and deformities more and more - and they mostly die soon. No offspring=GENOCIDE.

Iraq has NEVER attacked the "USA".

The criminal NATTO organized a GENOCIDE
                          in Iraq: the uranium ammunition (small,
                          radioactive atomic bombs) provokes irradiated
                          tank wrecks in the desert and the dust charges
                          radioactively and is spread across the whole
                          country of Iraq by the wind - since then,
                          children have been born in Iraq with birth
                          defects and deformities more and more - and
                          they mostly die soon. No offspring=GENOCIDE.
                          Iraq has NEVER attacked the "USA".

NATO photo pages 05: drug production

The criminal NATTO officially believes that the "USA" must be defended in Afghanistan. The truth is another one: NATTO lets the population plant opium fields and guards them for NATO drug production. This is a BIG profit and CIA business.

Afghanistan has NEVER attacked the "USA".

                          criminal NATTO officially believes that the
                          "USA" must be defended in
                          Afghanistan. The truth is another one: NATTO
                          lets the population plant opium fields and
                          guards them for NATO drug production. This is
                          a BIG profit and CIA business. Afghanistan has
                          NEVER attacked the "USA".

NATO photo pages 06: Logos and resistance

The criminal NATTO bombarded Belgrade with uranium ammunition. The criminal NATTO turns out to be a Nazi mafia, depicted e.g. with a NATO swastika at the French embassy in Belgrade.

Belgrade has NEVER attacked the "USA".
The criminal NATTO
                          bombarded Belgrade with uranium ammunition.
                          The criminal NATTO turns out to be a Nazi
                          mafia, depicted e.g. with a NATO swastika at
                          the French embassy in Belgrade. Belgrade has
                          NEVER attacked the "USA".